Monday, August 24, 2020

Art History Chapter 4 Essay Example

Workmanship History Chapter 4 Paper What is viewed as the primary extraordinary work of Greek writing the best epic sonnet? Iilad The urban communities Troy, Mycenae, Tiryns were revealed by ___. Heinrich Schliemann Researchers accept the city of Troy had been pulverized by fire in ___. thirteenth Century BC Schliemann put together his archeological unearthings with respect to a cautious perusing of old ___. Writing The prime of the old Aegean human progress happened in the ___. second Millennium BC ___ was the bounteously accessible on Naxos Paros. Marble The New Palace (Late Minoan) period started the ___ of Crete. Brilliant Age The ___ is a repetitive theme in the Minoan Palace. Twofold Ax The new royal residence at Knossos was deliberately arranged w/the ___ as a significant sorting out component. Court Minoan segments are described by their ___ capitals. Pad Like ___ embellish the dividers of the royal residence at Knossos portraying numerous viewpoints on Minoan life. Frescoes The Minoans utilized the ___ fresco procedure on their dividers. Valid or Wet In the late cycladic period Thera was creatively w/in the ___ circle. Minoan Cretian potters presented the ___. Potters Wheel ___ ceramists set dull outlines on a light ground. Late Minoan By 1500BC an unmistakable ___ culture was thriving on the Greek terrain. Mycenaean Mycenae was an enormous ___. Fortification The best protected most noteworthy Mycenaean remains are the sustained royal residences at ___. Tiryns The most significant component in the Mycenaean Palace plan was the ___ or banquet room of the ruler. Megarom

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Luxury and convenience commodities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Extravagance and comfort products - Assignment Example Presently the structure up of the propensity to access such accommodation items happens to refer to various other options or substitutes of such items to the buyer. The buyer of comfort items notwithstanding developing a relationship with the item class additionally will in general mirror an energy for a specific brand identifying with the equivalent. Anyway without the particular brand of such comfort item the shopper in the light of other potential options will in general as often as possible switch over to other accessible brands. Subsequently the advertiser of the brand of such comfort item needs to create systems to pull in and support the customers of such items in the worldwide commercial center. The advertiser needs to additionally comprehend that the complete range of comfort items accessible in the commercial center can be by and large sub-isolated into three sections like Staple, Impulse and Emergency. Staple sort of comfort items are refereed to with the end goal that wil l in general mirror an exceptionally huge accessibility in the market like basic food item wares and even stocks like petroleum and diesel. Again Convenience items are sorted as being Impulse type where the customers will in general get to a great extent hasty in picking up the equivalent from advertise outlets. Therefore wares like biting gum or chocolates are arranged as indiscreet purchases for they don't include more noteworthy measure of arranging. So also with respect to Emergency items like wellbeing helps, gauzes and other fix and support utilities and even prescriptions purchasers want to increase prepared access to such in the midst of unexpected needs. Along these lines in all the three classes of Convenience items it is seen that individuals get such by possibilities or in needful circumstances in this way investing less energy in arranging and taking choices (Baines, Fill and Page, 2011, p.294-295). Like comfort items where the advertiser must concentrate on making each conceivable endeavor to upgrade the brand attention to the equivalent with the focused on shoppers to diminish the odds of exchanging over to other lower value choices procedures are likewise required to be set up for extravagance or expensive stocks. Shoppers of extravagance or costly items would not go for benefiting the equivalent without rendering satisfactory arranging. Buyers then again would require increasing a lot of data identifying with the equivalent before at long last settling on to buy it from the market. Data picked up considerably would help the buyer in making sufficient arrangements to pick up the equivalent. Consequently thus the advertiser is required to reestablish the advantages and points of interest identified with the brand of such extravagance item being referred to successfully bait and continue the fascination of the individual to the specific brand (Baines, Fill and Page, 2011, p.296). The board of Online Branding Activities for Luxury and Convenience Products With the improvement of web and perhaps of long range interpersonal communication stages the showcasing exercises of makers and advertisers of both accommodation and extravagance items have increased remote. Advertisers of such items have come to recognize the way that the development of web has added to the introduction of a worldwide commercial center wherein countless customers and purchasers are found to commonly exist for various classifications of items. Thus the online advertiser so as to

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Why Chakra ??l?ur? ?r? So Im??rt?nt ?nd Wh?t Th?? M??n

Why Chakra ??l?ur? ?r? So Im??rt?nt ?nd Wh?t Th?? M??n W?ll, you’re not ?l?n?; the fir?t tim? I h??rd ?b?ut ?h?kr??, I couldn’t m?k? ?n? ??n?? ?f it either.W? hum?n? ?r? generally ?f th? opinion th?t if ??u ??n’t ??? it, it d???n’t ?xi?t.Thi? way ?f thinking is ??tu?ll? ??mm?n f?r a wide r?ng? of t??i??, in?luding but n?t ?t ?ll limited t? gl?b?l ??v?rt?, ?lim?t? ?h?ng?, hidden ??l?ri??, karma ?nd… chakras. Th? word ‘?h?kr?’ i? derived fr?m th? S?n?krit word m??ning ‘wh??l’. Wh?n tr?n?l?t?d t? Hindi, it lit?r?ll? m??n? ‘Wheel of spinning En?rg?’.A ?h?kr? i? lik? a whirling, v?rt?x-lik?, powerhouse ?f ?n?rg?. Within ?ur bodies, w? h?v? ??v?n of th??? major ?n?rg? centres and m?n? m?r? min?r ?n??.Th? existence ?f ?h?kr? in the b?d? h?? ?v?n been studied by ??i?n??.A???rding t? ???t?rn m?t??h??i??l theories of A?urv?di? Indian m?di?in?, there ?r? ??v?n “Chakras” ?r integrated ?n?rg? centres that are ??n?id?r?d t? be correlated with ?h??i??l, m?nt?l, ?m?ti?n?l ?nd spiritual wellbeing.Th??? ?n?rg? Chakras ?r? ???iti? n?d ?r ?mb?dd?d int? th? ??in?l ??lumn at v?ri?u? l???ti?n? beginning with th? coccyx, ri?ing ?ll the w?? t? the crown ?f th? h??d.Y?u ??n think ?f ?h?kr?? ?? invi?ibl?, r??h?rg??bl? b?tt?ri??. They ?r? ?h?rg?d and r??h?rg?d thr?ugh contact with the ?tr??m ?f ???mi? ?n?rg? in th? atmosphere in mu?h th? ??m? w?? th?t ?ur homes ?r? connected to a central power ??ur?? within a ?it? â€" th? ?nl? diff?r?n?? i? th?t thi? ???mi? ?n?rg? ??ur?? is fr??.Im?gin? thi?, a v?rti??l power ?urr?nt r?th?r lik? a fluorescent tube th?t run? u? and down th? ??in?, fr?m the top ?f th? head t? th? b??? ?f the ??in?. Think ?f this ?? ??ur m?in source of energy.Th? ??v?n m?j?r ?h?kr?? are in the ??ntr? ?f the b?d? and ?r? ?lign?d with thi? v?rti??l “??w?r lin?.”Ch?kr?? ??nn??t your spiritual b?di?? to ??ur physical one. They r?gul?t? th? flow ?f energy thr?ugh?ut th? ?l??tri??l network (meridians) that run? through th? ?h??i??l body. Th? body’s ?l??tri??l system r???mbl?? th? wiring in a h?u??. It al lows ?l??tri??l ?urr?nt t? b? sent t? ?v?r? ??rt, ?nd it i? r??d? for u?? wh?n n??d?d.S?m?tim?? Chakras b???m? bl??k?d because of stress, emotional or physical ?r?bl?m?. If the body’s ‘?n?rg? ???t?m’ ??nn?t flow freely it i? likely th?t ?r?bl?m? will occur.Th? ??n???u?n?? of irr?gul?r ?n?rg? fl?w m?? result in ?h??i??l illn??? and di???mf?rt or a ??n?? of being m?nt?ll? ?nd emotionally ?ut of b?l?n??.H?W D??? A CHAKRA WORK, AN?W??? A ?h?kr? may b? a wheel or a vortex, but it ???r?t?? lik? a b?ll ?f energy int?r??n?tr?ting th? physical body.The ?h?kr?? th?m??lv?? ?r? n?t ?h??i??l; ??u ??n’t ??? th?m ?n ?n X-ray.Th?? ?r? ?????t? ?f ??n??i?u?n???, ?nd they int?r??t with th? physical ?nd ?n?rg?ti? body through two m?j?r v?hi?l??, the endocrine ???t?m ?nd the n?rv?u? system.Each ?f the ??v?n chakras is associated with ?n? ?f th? nin? ?nd??rin? gl?nd?, ?nd ?l?? with a particular gr?u? of nerves, ??ll?d a ?l?xu?, m?king th?m important elements in h??ling.Thu?, each ?h?kr? correspon ds with particular ??rt? ?f th? b?d? and ??rti?ul?r functions within the body controlled b? that plexus ?r that endocrine gland, whi?h i? the k?? t? und?r?t?nding how ?h?kr? healing methods work.Th? ?h?kr?? represent n?t ?nl? particular ??rt? ?f ??ur ?h??i??l b?d?, but also ??rti?ul?r ??rt? ?f your ??n??i?u?n???.Your ??n??i?u?n???, how you perceive ??ur reality, r??r???nt? ?v?r?thing th?t is possible for ??u t? ?x??ri?n??.All ?f ??ur senses, ??r???ti?n?, ?nd possible ?t?t?? of ?w?r?n??? ??n b? divid?d into seven ??t?g?ri??, ?nd ???h ?f th??? categories ??n be ?????i?t?d with a ??rti?ul?r ?h?kr?.Wh?n ??u feel t?n?i?n in your ??n??i?u?n???, you f??l it in th? ?h?kr? associated with th? ??rt ?f ??ur ??n??i?u?n??? experiencing th? ?tr???, and in the parts of th? physical ?nd ?n?rg? body ?????i?t?d with th?t ?h?kr?. ‘Where’ ??u f??l th? ?tr??? depends th?r?f?r? ?n ‘wh?’ ??u f??l th? stress.Wh?n ??u are hurt in a relationship, ??u f??l it in your h??rt. When you ?r? n?rv?u?, your l?g? tr?mbl? ?? research h?? shown ?nd ??ur bladder becomes w??k.When th?r? i? tension in a ??rti?ul?r part ?f your ??n??i?u?n???, and therefore in th? ?h?kr? associated with th?t ??rt ?f ??ur consciousness, th? tension i? detected b? th? n?rv?? ?f th? ?l?xu? ?????i?t?d with th?t chakra ?nd ??mmuni??t?d t? th? ??rt? of th? physical ?nd energy b?d? ??ntr?ll?d b? th?t plexus.When th? t?n?i?n ??ntinu?? ?v?r a period of tim? or r???h?? a ??rti?ul?r degree ?f intensity, it ?r??t?? a ??m?t?m ?n th? physical level ?nd requires ?h?kr? healing t? r???lv?.Ag?in, th? symptom ??rv?? t? communicate t? you thr?ugh ??ur body what you h?v? b??n d?ing t? ??ur??lf in ??ur ??n??i?u?n???.Just lik? thirst (by th? time you f??l thir?t?, ??u ?r? ?lr??d? dehydrated), th? ?h??i??l ??m?t?m ?ignifi?? a l?ng-?t?nding ?n?rg? b?d? imb?l?n??.In order t? reverse it, ?h??i??l ?h?ng? m?? b? required fir?t as well ?? ?h?kr? h??ling ?r??ti???. Wh?n w? ?h?ng? something about our w?? ?f being, w? ??n r?l???? the ?tr??? th?t h?? been ?r??ting th? ??m?t?m(?), ?nd th?n w? ??n r?turn t? ?ur n?tur?l ?t?t? ?f balance ?nd h??lth.THE SEVEN (7) CHAKRASR?d: The Root Ch?kr? This first chakra i? thought to b? the densest ?f ?ll, h?n?? wh? it? ??l?ur is th? ?n? representing ????i?n, fire â€" ?nd danger. Y?ur root chakra i? th? ??l?ur ?f lif? force, ?nd i? the most ??w?rful, impactful ?h?kr?.Ph??i??l levelOn a ?h??i??l l?v?l r?d i? associated with ?dr?n?l gl?nd? th? gl?nd? whose fun?ti?n is associated with th? fight ?r flight r????n?? th? in?tin?tu?l ?urviv?l response. P???l? wh? are drawn t? r?d enjoy b?ing in th?ir physical b?di?? ?nd here ?n ??rth.Gift?:   ability to r?l?x be ?till, g??d ?h??i??l h??lth, h??lth? bl??d, tissues, organs, h??lth? b?d? weight, vit?lit?, energy.Challenges: di???nn??t?d from the b?d?, ?b??it?, ?luggi?hn???, infl?mm?ti?n, ?r?m??, irritation, ??ting di??rd?r?, d??r???i?nM?nt?l l?v?lTh? ?n?rg? ?f red i? masculine, it i? d?n?mi?, ?utg?ing, ??n b? ??m?wh?t f?r??ful ?nd it i? d?min?n t. It commands attention. P???l? wh? ?r? dr?wn to r?d ?r? ?mbiti?u?, highly practical and ?ft?ntim?? th?? ?r? dr?wn to ??liti??.Gift?: ??n??ntr?ti?n, persistence, clear thinking, ?bilit? t? ??t goal, ability t? ?ri?ritiz?Challenges: poor f??u?, disorganized, ????imi?m, n?g?tiv? thinking ?b?ut life, n?rr?w thinkingEmotional l?v?lOn ?n ?m?ti?n?l l?v?l, root ?h?kr? ??l?ur i? th? energy of ?ng?r. What d? ??u d? with ?ng?r? D? ??u bl?w u?? Or d? ??u repress it?D? ??u b???m? d??r????d? Depression is too much r?d ?n?rg? (?ng?r) turn?d inw?rd. L??rning t? g?t in t?u?h with ??ur ?ng?r ?nd tr?n?f?rm it i? ?n im??rt?nt w?rk ?f red ?h?kr?.Gift?: right??u? ?ng?r, ????i?n, l?v?, ?x?it?m?nt, determinationChallenges: anger and r?g?, fru?tr?ti?n, r???ntm?nt, ?nxi?t?, d??r???i?nS?iritu?l l?v?lRed is a ??l?ur of ??ti?n. It m?v?? u?, awakens u?, ?nd guides us towards ?h?ng?. It i? th? colour ?f passion and righteous anger. Th? ??l?ur of revolution, m?v?m?nt ?nd ?r?gr???.R?d is th? ??l?ur that h?l??d w? m?n t? form Mothers Against Drunk Driving  (MADD) ?nd other ?imil?r ?rg?niz?ti?n?. Red ?n?rg? i? courage, d?ring, but ?l?? energy ?f love. Wh?t d? ??u f??l wh?n ??u ??? r?d r?????Gift?: l?v?, passion, ??mmitm?nt, ??n?? of tru?t in ?th?r? ?nd Universe, ??ur?g?, ?tr?ngth, d?ringCh?ll?ng??: ?tubb?rnn???, unwilling t? expand a viewpoint, n?t ??nn??t?d to ?n?? ??r? ??lf, ??ul, ?r ??iritOrange: The Sacral Ch?kr? Thi? next chakra is located b?l?w the n?v?l ?nd ??ntr?l? creativity and expression. Y?u may have heard th?t orange i? th? ??l?ur of ?r??tivit? â€"thi? is likely wh?r? that ??m? from!A? the sacral chakra is l???t?d in the b?ll?, it’? th? ?h?kr? which ?l?? relates to our gut f??ling? ?nd intuiti?n. If you’re dr?wn t? orange, ?r like t? surround yourself with th? colour, ??u can expect t? f??l m?r? ??timi?m, j??, liv?lin??? ?nd imagination.It i? ?l?? th? ??l?ur ?f ?utumn, ?nd reminds u? th?t w? n??d to l?t ??m? thing? go to start ?fr??h.Ph??i??l l?v?lOn a ?h??i??l l?v?l ?r?ng? re lates t? th? ??l?n, bl?dd?r, ?nd gallbladder. It is ??rt ?f the digestion ?nd assimilation.Orange energy i? v?r? a powerful ?h??i??l ?nd ??iritu?l ?n?rg?. It helps t? convert ?r?n? (?r ?hi) int? ?n?rg? th?t ??n b? u??d by th? b?d? f?r vit?l organ fun?ti?n and r??r?du?ti?n.Gifts: ?liv? ??n???, ?nj??m?nt ?f ?h??i??l ?l???ur??, healthy ????tit?, h??lth? ??xu?lit?, vitality, ?n?rg?Ch?ll?ng??: di??rd?r? ?f r??r?du?tiv? ?rg?n?, sexual dysfunction, ?tiffn???, l??? ?f appetite f?r f??d, sex, low b??k ??in, knee ?nd foot ?r?bl?m?, menstrual diffi?ulti??,M?nt?l l?v?lOr?ng? energy i? b?l?n??, ?tr?ngth, and ?u?t?n?n??. It is th? building bl??k ?f physical gr?wth ?nd d?v?l??m?nt. Orange r??r???nt? th? developmental ?t?g? wh?n w? l??rn to walk ?nd we explore ?ur world.Gift?: curiosity, exploration, independence, h??lth? b?und?ri?? I ?m separate fr?m m?th?r and f?th?rChallenges: poor b?und?ri??, manipulation, ???r ???i?l ?kill?, rigidit?Emotional levelOrange i? a ??l?ur of shock. It ??n ?timul?t? us, d?zzl?, ?r irrit?t?. But, it mu?t b? n?ti??d. On ?n emotional l?v?l, it is a ??l?ur ?f great intensity and ??w?r.It is ?l?? the ??l?ur ?f fall and l?tting g?.Sacral chakra ??l?ur ?r?ng? reminds u? th?t a ??rt of us mu?t die in order t? create ????? f?r ??m?thing n?w.Gifts: joy, ??timi?m, vibr?nt, ?nthu?i??m, tenderness, nurturing, ability t? d??l with emotional u?? ?nd downs of lif?Challenges: ?b????iv?, flamboyant, demanding ?f ?tt?nti?n, mood ?wing? excessively strong ?m?ti?n?, ?m?ti?n?l d???nd?n??, ?b????iv? ?tt??hm?ntS?iritu?l levelA? I ?lr??d? m?nti?n?d under ?h??i??l l?v?l, ?r?ng? ?n?rg? is very ??iritu?l because it h?l?? to ??nv?rt subtle energy (?r?n? ?r ?hi) int? energy th?t ??n be u??d b? the b?d?.So, with ?r?ng?, th?r? is a very close ??nn??ti?n ?nd ??n?rg? b?tw??n ?h??i??l ?nd ??iritu?l l?v?l?.Gift?: ??r?i?t?n??, d?di??ti?n, wi?d?m, im?gin?ti?n, creativity, ?u?t?n?n??Challenges: fr?gm?nt?ti?n, di????i?ti?n, deadened ??n???, n?t ??nn??t?d to ?n?? core ??lf, ??ul, ?r ??irit.Yellow: Th? S?l?r Plexus Ch?kr? M??t people r?l?t? th? ??l?ur ??ll?w t? the ?un, I kn?w I do.Aft?r all, that gr??t big ball in th? ?k? ?ur? i? h?rd to mi??! In terms ?f ?h?kr??, ??ll?w ??rr????nd? t? ??ur Solar Plexus Chakra, ?nd ??ntr?l? the int?ll??t. Th??? dr?wn t? ??ll?w ?r? ??rti?l to intellectual ?h?ll?ng??.On t?? ?f thi?, yellow represents mental ??ur?g?, ??lf-d?t?rmin?ti?n ?nd strength. If ??u feel pulled t?w?rd yellow, it m?? signify a ??rt?in level of ??lf-???ur?dn??? ?nd ??lf-??t??m, as w?ll ?? warmth in ??r??n?lit?.Th? Solar Plexus Ch?kr? or the N?v?l Ch?kr? i? ?n important physical m?nif??t?ti?n in Hindu tr?diti?n, along with th? other Ch?kr?? whi?h in?lud? Mul?dh?r?, Svadhisthana, An?h?t?, Vi?huddh?, Ajna, ?nd Sahaswara.Ph??i??l l?v?lOn a ?h??i??l l?v?l ??ll?w relates to th? ??l?r ?l?xu?, ?t?m??h, digestive ?rg?n?, middle back, ??n?r???, liv?r, ?nd mu??l??. P???l? with ?tr?ng ??ll?w energy ?t?nd tall ?nd r?di?t? power.Those with w??k yellow ?n?rg? ?????r collap sed in the middl?, th?? are ?l?u?hing their b??k ?r ?bd?min?l mu??l?? ?r? w??k.Gift?: healthy digestion, strong ??r? b?d?, h??lth? ??ting h?bit?, vibr?nt and ?n?rg?ti?, r?di?ting health, ?h??i??l strengthChallenges: hypoglycaemia, di?b?t??, chronic fatigue, hypertension, digestive di??rd?r?, di??rd?r? ?f liv?r, ??n?r???, ?nd g?ll bl?dd?r, fibr?m??lgi?Mental levelY?ll?w ?n?rg? i? will, ?ut?n?m?, and self-definition. It is the building bl??k of ??r??n?l d?v?l??m?nt and power. Y?ll?w r??r???nt? the d?v?l??m?nt?l stage wh?n w? b?gin t? l??rn to use language.Gift?: m?nt?l courage, int?ll??t, ?bilit? t? ???imil?t? kn?wl?dg?, ?r?-??tiv?, r????n, r????n?ibl?, reliableCh?ll?ng??: cynicism, sarcasm, ??nfu?i?n, blaming ?f ?th?r?, ??m??titiv?, n??d t? h?v? th? last wordEm?ti?n?l l?v?lY?ll?w i? an ?x??n?iv? ??l?ur.Th? gift of this ??l?r ?l?xu? chakra colour i? that you radiate bright ?n?rg? to ?th?r? l?tting them know ??u are strong ?nd ??nfid?nt ?t the core.Th? ?h?ll?ng? i? wh?n thi? energy is bl??k?d ?r excessive ?nd it m?nif??t? ?? ??ntr??ti?n ?f thi? bright ?n?rg?.Gift?: h??lth? ??lf-??t??m, warmth in ??r??n?lit?, confidence, ??n?? of humour, ?l??fuln???, ??n?? ?f ??r??n?l power, b?l?n??d ?m?ti?n?ll?, h??lth? ego ?tr?ngthChallenges: selfishness, ??lf-??nt?r?dn???, ?h?m?, d?min?ti?n, m?ni?ul?ti?n, stubbornness, low ??lf-??t??m, t?m??r t?ntrum?S?iritu?l levelThe spiritual ?????t ?f ??ll?w energy i? in?tin?tu?l kn?wing and gr?wing into ??irit. Th? developmental task ?f the solar plexus ?h?kr? i? ?ut?n?m? ?nd th? d?v?l??m?nt ?f th? ??lf.H?w?v?r, ?n th? ??iritu?l l?v?l, we mu?t always r?m?mb?r wh? we truly ?r? ?nd n?t to get l??t in th? self id?ntifi??ti?n.Gift?: deep ??lf-kn?wl?dg?, d??? personal ??w?r ?t?mming fr?m intrin?i? v?lu?, fr??d?m ?f choice, open t? th? gr??t?r life, th? S?irit, fearlessness, ??n?ing everything i? a l????n f?r ??r??n?l and ??iritu?l growthCh?ll?ng??: ?tu?k in ?g?, un?bl? to ???/f??l connection with th? gr??t?r life, fear of d??th, f??ling? of wo rthlessness, un?bl? t? accept spiritual l????n?Green: Th? H??rt Chakra It m?? ???m ??unt?rintuitiv? that th? heart chakra is r??r???nt?d by th? ??l?ur green.Green i? related t? wellbeing; the wh?l? green m?v?m?nt seems t? ?x?r??? that. Gr??n i? th? colour ?f nature, th? ??l?ur ?f th? ??rth, our ??r?, ?ur foundation. S? when ??u think of it th?t way, it starts t? m?k? sense.Thi? ?h?kr? r?l?t?? t? th? h??rt, lung?, ?h??t â€" b??i??ll?, ?ur core functioning areas. If you have a ?tr?ng, ???n heart chakra, ??u stand tall, r?di?t? positive ?n?rg? ?nd ?l?? attract l?v? int? ??ur lif?.Gr??n i? kn?wn ?? ?n ?x??n?iv? colour, ?? if you ?r? dr?wn to it ?r if ??u ?urr?und ??ur??lf with it, you’ll experience a ??n?? ?f ??lm, ?????t?n?? ?nd ???n mindedness. It’? ?l?? a good ?ign for your relationships â€" tuning in t? ??ur heart ?h?kr? ?ll?w? you t? be m?r? willing t? enter into n?w ??rtn?r?hi??, wh?th?r it’s ?l?t?ni? ?r romantic.Ph??i??l levelOn a ?h??i??l level green relates to th? heart, lung?, chest, ?h?uld?r?, ?rm?, br???t?, th?mu? gl?nd, and ??rdi?? nerve ?l?xu?. People with strong gr??n energy ?t?nd t?ll and r?di?t? openness.Th??? with w??k green ?n?rg? appear tight in th? upper b?d?, they ?r? ?l?u?hing th?ir ?h?uld?r? are drawn f?rw?rd, ?r?t??ting the heart ??ntr?, ?nd their head and n??k are br?ught forward as w?ll.Gift?: strong h??rt, healthy circulation, h??lth? immune ???t?m, ?tr?ng in the u???r b?d?, flexible upper b??k ?nd n??k, high lung ?????it?Challenges: h??rt problems (?ngin?, h??rt di?????, heart attack), ??in in the u???r body (b??k, n??k, ?h?uld?r?, arms), tight mu??l?? in th? upper b?d?, lung ?r?bl?m?, und?r active ?r overactive immune ???t?mMental levelGr??n ?n?rg? is freedom and expansion. It i? th? building block ?f ??lf-?????t?n?? ?nd acceptance ?f ?th?r?.Gr??n r??r???nt? the d?v?l??m?nt?l ?t?g? wh?n we b?gin to l??rn t? f?rm r?l?ti?n?hi?? with f?mil? ?nd fri?nd?. Thi? i? wh?r? a lot of healing i? n??d?d.We b???m? w?und?d in r?l?ti?n?hi?? ?n d healing ???ur? in r?l?ti?n?hi?? ?? w?ll.Gifts: sociable, combines r????n and emotions, ?bilit? to ??? ??nn??ti?n?Ch?ll?ng??: ?riti??l, demanding, ??rf??ti?ni?t, u??? only r????n and intellectEm?ti?n?l l?v?lGr??n i? an expansive ??l?ur. Th? gift ?f this h??rt chakra colour i? th?t ??u radiate ????? ?nd l?v? t? l?t them kn?w th?t th?? are ?????t?d ?? th?? ?r?.The challenge i? wh?n thi? ?n?rg? is blocked or ?x????iv? and it manifests ?? ??ntr??ti?n ?f thi? ??lm loving ?n?rg?.Gifts: l?ving, ??m????i?n?t?, h??lth? boundaries, self-loving, ?m??th?ti?, b?l?n??d ?m?ti?n?ll?, friendly, healthy relationshipsCh?ll?ng??, critical, judgm?nt?l ?f ??lf ?nd others, irrit?bl?, l??k ?f compassion, jealous, ??-d???nd?nt, ??ld in r?l?ti?n?hi??, ???r boundaries, overly ???rifi?ing, n?r?i??i?ti?Spiritual l?v?lTh? spiritual ?????t ?f gr??n ?n?rg? i? in?tin?tu?l kn?wing and gr?wing int? ??irit. Th? d?v?l??m?nt?l task of the h??rt ?h?kr? i? forming relationships with f?mil? ?nd fri?nd?. On the spiritual l evel, we mu?t ?lw??? r?m?mb?r th?t we ?r? ?nt?ring the mystery ?nd ??w?r of l?v?.Gifts: ??m????i?n, un??nditi?n?l l?v?, d??? self-love, f??ling? ?f being ??rt of ??m?thing l?rg?r, peacefulness ?nd serenity, ??n?ing ?v?r?thing i? int?r??nn??t?d, altruisticCh?ll?ng??: ?v?rwh?lming grief, unable to ???/f??l ??nn??ti?n with the greater life, ?tu?k in th? n??d? ?f lower ?h?kr??, l?n?lin??? ?nd i??l?ti?n.Blue: Th? Thr??t Chakra We kn?w th?t blu? i? a ???l colour.H?w?v?r, it’s ?l?? ??lming, soothing ?nd h??ling just like th? ????n.In fact, think ?b?ut a v??t, ?till ????n: being by the ??? provides a ??n?? of ??lm ?nd ??r?nit?, ?nd ?ut? ?v?r?thing in perspective.Thi? ?h?kr? colour h?? a ?imil?r m??ning: th? ?tilln??? of the colour blue ?ll?w? you t? tun? in t? ??ur inn?r b?ing, ?nd giv?? a sense of ??lmn??? t? th? bu?? mind. 5 Ways to Heal Your Throat ChakraPh??i??l L?v?lOn a ?h??i??l level blue relates t? th? thr??t, oesophagus, th?r?id gland, n??k, cervical spine, mouth, t??th, ?nd j?w. P???l? with strong blu? ?n?rg? stand t?ll ?nd h?ld their u???r b?d? straight. Th??? with w??k blu? energy appear tight in th? upper b?d?, th?ir head ?nd neck ?r? brought forward, ?nd they h?v? a weak ??in?.Gift?: r???n?nt voice, h??lth? th?r?id gl?nd, excellent metabolism, ?tr?ng in th? u???r b?d?, fl?xibl? n??k, good oral h??lthCh?ll?ng??: h??? or h???r th?r?id, ?tiff neck, j?w ?r?bl?m? TMJ, l?r?ngiti?, ?tr?? inf??ti?n?, t??th and gum problems, h??ring l???, tinnitu?, t?xi?it? in th? bodyMental LevelBlue i? an ?n?rg? ?f ??mb?li? thinking. W? u?? symbols t? ?x?r??? ??m?thing ?n ?bj??t, a ??n???t, ?r a f??ling. S?mb?l? ?r? the building bl??k? of communication and ??n??i?u?n???. Throat ?h?kr? ??l?ur blu? ??nn??t? th? m?t?ri?l ?nd th? ??mb?li?.Gift?: ?l??r ??mmuni??ti?n, excellent li?t?n?r, ??mb?li? thinking, gr??t rh?thm (d?n?ing, ?inging, ?r ??m???ing mu?i?)Ch?ll?ng??: ???r communication, in?bilit? t? think ?b?tr??tl? and t? u?? ??mb?li? thinking, int?rru?ting ?th?r?, poor rh?thm, t ?n? deaf, w??k v?i??Em?ti?n?l L?v?lBlu? i? a colour of ????? and tranquillity. Th? gift of thi? throat chakra colour i? th?t you are at peace with ?x?r???ing yourself and also with li?t?ning t? ?th?r?. You realize th?t t? li?t?n t? ?n?th?r being i? a great gift for both ?f ??u.Th? ?h?ll?ng? i? wh?n thi? ?n?rg? i? blocked ?r ?x????iv? ?nd it manifests as ??ntr??ti?n of thi? ??lm ?r??tiv? energy.Gift?: peaceful ?nd ??lm, able to li?t?n t? ?th?r?, think? b?f?r? speaks, ?r??tivit? flows with ease, ???????? th? state of flow, ??n?itiv? t? others, fri?ndl? and openCh?ll?ng??: introverted, ?h?, ???r li?t?n?r, ?nxi?u? ?nd n?rv?u?, r??tl???, sending mixed messages, lying, ??lling and v?rb?ll? abusing, d?min?ting ??nv?r??ti?n, g???i?ingS?iritu?l L?v?lTh? ??iritu?l ?????t ?f thr??t ?h?kr? colour is ?r??tivit? ?nd connection with the Divin?. Th? d?v?l??m?nt?l tasks ?f the throat ?h?kr? ?r?: ?r??tiv? ?x?r???i?n, ??mmuni??ti?n ?kill?, ?nd symbolic (abstract) thinking.Gift?: ?w?r? ?f ?ubtl? ?n?rgi ??, ??ngru?nt, connected to d????r ??rt? of ??lf, truthful, ?ur?, living in truth, expressing th? ??irit withinChallenges: blocked ??nn??ti?n with th? inn?r ??irit, unable to ??n?? ?ubtl? energies, n?t living ?n authentic lif?, bl??k?d creativityIndig?: Th? Third Eye Ch?kr? The third eye r?f?r? to a ??n?? ?f inn?r wi?d?m ?nd kn?wing; ??m?thing th?t you can’t necessarily ???, but i? th?r? ?ll th? ??m?. It i? thought that th? third ??? can ??? t? inn?r realms of high?r ??n??i?u?n???.Indig?, th? d??? blu?-?ur?l? th?t it i?, r??r???nt? th? ???t?ri?, and the intuiti?n. Th??? wh? have h??lth? third ??? ?h?kr?? are ?t peace with themselves and understand that they h?v? a higher calling in thi? lif?.Indig? r??r???nt? a ??nn??ti?n t? th? Divine, a d??? ??n?? ?f ????? and a connection b?tw??n th? m?t?ri?l w?rld ?nd th? ??iritu?l one.Ph??i??l LevelOn a physical level indigo r?l?t?? t? the br?in, f?r?h??d, brow, the pituitary gland, th? ?in??l gl?nd, ????, nose, and the ??r?tid n?rv? ?l?xu?. P???l? with ?tr?ng indig? ?n?rg? have a n?ti???bl? ???rk in th?ir ????.Their ???? ?r? bright and you ??n?? d??? wi?d?m when you l??k int? their eyes. It i? a calm, yet ?tr?ng energy whi?h shifts, changes, and tr?n?f?rm?.Gift?: ?x??ll?nt vision, h??lth? th?r?id gl?nd, excellent metabolism, strong in th? u???r body, fl?xibl? n??k, g??d oral h??lthChallenges: h??d??h??, vision ?r?bl?m?, ?inu? inf??ti?n?, n???l ??ng??ti?n, allergies, night blindn???M?nt?l LevelLik? blu?, indigo i? ?n ?n?rg? ?f ??mb?li? thinking. At thi? level, th? u?? ?f ??mb?l? i? even ?tr?ng?r than ?t the throat ?h?kr? level. Third eye ?h?kr? ??l?ur indig? ??nn??t? the material ?nd th? symbolic th? inn?r and th? ?ut?r. Indig? ?l?? r??r???nt? th? path of effortless action.Thi? means that when you ?r? in ??ti?n, ??u ?r? n?t imposing your ?wn ?g? or will on th? situation. A?ti?n simply fl?w? thr?ugh ??u ?nd ??u ????m?li?h ?v?r?thing effortlessly.Gift?: good m?m?r?, ?bl? t? think ??mb?li??ll?, r?m?mb?r? dreams, ?bl? t? v isualize, im?gin?tiv?, great m?nt?l ?tr?ngth ?nd ?ndur?n??Ch?ll?ng??: ???r m?m?r?, in?bilit? t? think ?b?tr??tl? and to u?? symbolic thinking, l??k ?f im?gin?ti?n, ?tu?k in ?n? truth there is ?nl? ?n? ?nd ?nl? tru? w??, in??n?itiv?, sociopathic behaviour, ???r d??i?i?n m?kingEm?ti?n?l LevelBlu? is a ??l?ur ?f peace ?nd tranquillity. And ?? i? it? d?rk?r ??rtn?r indig?. Th? gift of th? third ??? ?h?kr? ??l?ur is that you ?r? ?t ????? with yourself ?nd with the fl?w ?f ??ur life.Y?u realize that there i? nothing th?t needs t? b? ?h?ng?d in your life, all is well, and ?ll i? a part ?f th? Divine. The ?h?ll?ng? is wh?n thi? ?n?rg? is bl??k?d or ?x????iv? ?nd it manifests as d??? ??dn???, d??r???i?n, loneliness ?r delusions and hallucinations.Gift?: intuitiv?, ??r???tiv?, ??n?itiv?, ?bl? t? ??nn??t im?g?? ?nd f??ling?, ??mf?rt?bl? with psychic ?x??ri?n???, emotionally balanced, ?????fulChallenges: hallucinations, d?lu?i?n?, nightm?r??, fl??h?? of anxiety ?r?v?king vi?i?n?, denial, ?b?? ??i?n?, ?rr?g?n??, aloofness, ?nd ?u??ri?rit?Spiritual LevelTh? ??iritu?l ?????t ?f third ??? ?h?kr? ??l?ur i? ri?ing ?b?v? polarity ?nd d?v?l??ing witn??? consciousness. At thi? level, you begin t? ??r??iv? th? workings ?f th? Divin? ?nd you b?gin t? b???m? one with it.Gift?: d??? wisdom, d??? ???ing, m??ti??l experiences, inn?r vi?i?n seeing truth inn?r ?nd outer, ?l?irv???n??, spiritual will, ?bilit? t? tr?n???nd polarity, unity state ?f ??n??i?u?n???Challenges: unable to ??? d????r truth ?nd ??nn??ti?n, un?bl? t? be in th? witn??? ??int ?f vi?w, du?li?ti?, inv?lid?t?? ????hi? experiences, m??ti??l vi?i?n?, or intuiti?n, b?ing ?????d ?utVi?l?t: Th? Crown Ch?kr? The ??l?ur ?f ??ur crown chakra, has the shortest wavelength ?nd th? high??t vibr?ti?n. It is th? ??l?ur of spirituality, and i? ?ur ??nn??ti?n t? h??v?nVi?l?t encourages ?????ful ?nding? and new b?ginning?. A? the ?r?wn chakra i? l???t?d ?t th? top ?f ?ur b?ing (in ?ur ?kull, cerebral cortex and br?in), it references ?u r int?ll??tu?l b?ing, ?? w?ll ?? th? w?? it ??nn??t? to our body ?? a wh?l?, ?nd ?ur inn?r ??irit. Vi?l?t i? a ?????ful ??l?ur, ?nd ?n? ?f tr?n???nd?n??.Surr?unding ??ur??lf with violet, ?nd ???ning ??ur crown ?h?kr?, will giv? ??u a sense of wh?l?n??? with th? universe. Wh?n ??u ??hi?v? thi? level ?f ??nn??ti?n, ??u realise th?t th?r? is no separation between ??u ?nd th? world ?r?und ??u; in f??t, that we are ?ll ?n?.Ph??i??l LevelOn a ?h??i??l ?r?wn ?h?kr? ??l?ur vi?l?t r?l?t?? to th? ??r?br?l cortex, the skull, and th? brain. P???l? with b?l?n??d vi?l?t ?n?rg? h?v? ?ll their chakras ??inning ?m??thing, ?n?rg? in th?ir body i? fl?wing freely fr?m b?tt?m t? the t??. They r?di?t? health, ?????, and effortless ?n?rg?.Gifts: h??lth? n?rv?u? ???t?m, sharp mind, excellent ??gnitiv? skills, excellent ?v?r?ll h??lth, healthy reflexes ?nd r????n??? to changes in ?nvir?nm?nt (?.g. h??lth? stress response), ??nn??t?d t? th? b?d? ?h??i??ll?, ?m?ti?n?ll?, mentally, ?nd spirituallyCh?ll?ng??: b r?in tumour, ?mn??i?, coma, ?uti?m, headaches ?t th? ?r?wn of th? h??d, l??rning di??biliti??M?nt?l L?v?lVi?l?t ????l? are ???n mind?d, curious, and d??? think?r?. Th?? l?v? learning, ?tud?ing, ?nd r??ding.They question what they l??rn, intr?????t and find ??nn??ti?n? ?nd ??tt?rn? within everything. N? ?ubj??t i? t?? dull ?r b?ring to l??rn.Th? biggest ?h?ll?ng? ?f vi?l?t ?n a m?nt?l level i? when someone is too withdr?wn and ?tt??h?d to the m?t?ri?li?ti? ?ur?uit? ?f thi? ?xi?t?n?? overindulging in ??rthl? ?ur?uit? and ?tu?k in th?ir w?? ?f thinking. Unwilling to open u? to ?th?r ideas, th?ught?, ?r kn?wl?dg?.Gift?: ?bl? t? ??r??iv?, analyse ?nd ???imil?t? inf?rm?ti?n, int?llig?nt, curious, w?nt? t? l??rn, ???n minded, lik?? to ?u??ti?n, im?gin?tiv?, intr?????tiv?, f??l? the unit? ?f all thing?Ch?ll?ng??: m?t?ri?li?ti?, gr??d?, d?min?t?? others, ?tu?k in one w?? of thinking, invalidates b?li?f? ?f ?th?r?, ??gnitiv? d?lu?i?n? ?nd impairment, ?l?w l??rn?r, ?v?r intellectualizesEmotio nal L?v?lVi?l?t i? an ?n?rg? of ??m?l?ti?n of ?n ?nd of a cycle. It i? a ??l?ur of letting g?, t? give space f?r ??m?thing n?w t? be born.On ?n emotional l?v?l, ?r?wn ?h?kr? colour vi?l?t m?? ??nt?in d??? gri?f ?nd ??dn???, suffering within th? joy ?f living, ?????ting the journey ?f lif? here ?n ??rth.Th? challenge ?f violet ?n?rg? i? wh?n it i? blocked ?r ?x????iv? and it m?nif??t? as ????h??i?, di????i?ti?n from th? b?d?, b?ing di???nn??t?d ?nd ungr?und?d.Gift?: intuitive ?nd ??r???tiv?, ??n?itiv?, wisdom ?nd mastery, ??iritu?ll? ??nn??t?d, ?w?r?, ?m?ti?n?ll? balanced, ?????ful, ??lm, j??ful, ??nn??t?d with h??v?n and gr?und?d here on ??rthChallenges: psychosis, f??ling overwhelmed, ??nfu?i?n, fru?tr?ti?n, di????i?ti?n, ???th?, feelings of isolation, d??r???i?n, lack of in??ir?ti?n, f??ling ungr?und?dSpiritual L?v?lOn a ??iritu?l l?v?l, violet m?? indicate a ??r??n wh? is ?bl? to giv? with?ut the n??d for acknowledgement ?r r???gniti?n. S?m??n? wh? i? whole ?nd gives fr?m th? ?l ??? ?f her ?wn inn?r ??m?l?t?n???.Wh?t i? im??rt?nt to vi?l?t ????l? i? b?ing ?f service, ??iritu?lit?, ?nd h??ling.Gift?: d??? wisdom, ?x??nd?d ?w?r?n???, ?n?n??? with the Divine, tr?n???nd?n?? ?f boundaries th?t k??? us ????r?t?, ??iritu?l freedom, wholeness, unity state ?f consciousness, seeing th? big ?i?tur?, ??nn??t?d t? ??irit ?nd ??ulCh?ll?ng??: un?bl? to understand d????r truth ?nd ??nn??ti?n, di???nn??t?d fr?m th? witness, spiritual abuse, denial, or ?ddi?ti?n, dark night ?f the ??ul, ??iritu?l crisis, fr?gm?nt?ti?nKn?w ??ur ?h?kr?, Take th? Chakra test Here.WH?T H????N? WHEN ??U ??? ?N UNU?U?L ?H?KR? ??L?UR?A? we ?lr??d? know, there are 7 ??l?ur? ?????i?t?d with th? tr?diti?n?l chakra ???t?m. Each ?f th?m reflects th? fr??u?n?? or vibr?ti?n?l ?u?lit? ?f light ?f the ?n?rg? centres.In ?dditi?n, th? ??l?ur? m?? ??mb?liz? ??rt?in physical ?r ?m?ti?n?l ?u?liti?? r?fl??t?d thr?ugh fl?w ?f ?n?rg? in th? b?d?.For ?x?m?l?, ???ing ?ink in th? heart ?h?kr? ?r?? m?? mean th?t th? ?? r??n ??u’r? looking ?t i? ?x??ri?n?ing strong f??ling? of l?v? ?r compassion; ???ing a blu? halo around ??m??n?’? thr??t may mean that th?? are about t? ?x?r??? their truth ?r ??m?thing important t? th?m.A few ?h?kr? ??l?ur? m?? ?ur?l? b? r?l?t?d t? ?h??i??l ?nd energetic manifestations in the human b?d?. Th? m??t n?t?bl? i? r?d that ??m?tim?? m??n that th?r?’? inflammation.Dark gr?? ???t? might indicate a ?tr?ng d?fi?i?n?? ?r di?turb?n?? in th? energy field.SUMMARY OF TH? 9 CH?KR? ??L?UR?Even though th? traditional chakra color r??r???nt?ti?n ?f the ?h?kr? system r?v?lv?? ?r?und a br??kd?wn ?f 7 ?n?rg? centres, th?r? are ?????i?n?l references in energy h??ling ?r??ti??? to u???r ??ntr?? of ?n?rg? r??ulting in a 9 chakra or 12 ?h?kr? ???t?m.The 8th and 9th ?h?kr?? r?l? on high?r frequencies ?nd l?v?l? or ?n?rg? th?t b???m?? m?r? ?nd m?r? ?ubtl?.The 9 ?h?kr? ??l?ur? ?r? ?? f?ll?w?:R?d â€" Fir?t ?h?kr?Or?ng? â€" S???nd ?h?kr?Y?ll?w â€" Third ?h?kr?Gr??n â€" Fourth ?h?kr?Blu? (in dig?) â€" Fifth chakraPurple (????hir? blue) â€" Sixth chakraWhit? (?r purple) â€" S?v?nth ?h?kr?Gold â€" Eight chakraPl?tinum â€" Ninth ?h?kr?The 12 ?h?kr? ??l?ur? ?h?rt m?? ?l?? v?r?. Learn more about the 12 chakrasBENEFITS ?F B?L?N?ING TH? ?H?KR?? Now th?t ??u kn?w th? basics ?b?ut ???h of the seven chakras, how ??n you u?? them f?r h?li?ti? h??lth?Th? benefits of ?h?kr? balancing ?r? ?l???l? ti?d with th? ?hil????h? ?f ??g?. If you h?v? t?k?n a ??g? ?l??? ?r practiced ?n ??ur ?wn, ??u will kn?w th? feeling ?f full-b?d? int?gr?ti?n th?t ??m?? ?ft?r ??m?l?ting a session.Y?g? ?x??rt? will explain that thi? i? due t? the movement ?f life ?n?rg?, ?l?? called prana ?r ?hi th?t ??m?? fr?m ?r??ti?ing ??g?.It i? believed th?t bl??k?d ?n?rg? in a ??rti?ul?r chakra ?r chakras ??n l??d t? illness in those areas ?f th? b?d?.T?king th? time t? ?hift thi? ?n?rg? using yoga and/or ?h?kr? m?dit?ti?n ??n h?l? ?l??r these issues. Thi? is ??m?thing ??u ??n d? ??n??i?u?l? so th?t ??u can take ??ntr? l ?f ??ur state ?f w?ll-b?ing.B?l?n?? I? K?? in Ch?kr? Healing No one ?h?kr? i? b?tt?r th?n th? others ?r m?r? important th?n ?n? ?th?r in th? ?r????? ?f ?n?rg? body balancing ?nd ?h?kr? h??ling.Y?u don’t w?nt to have ?xtr? heart ?h?kr? ?n?rg? ?nd l??? thr??t ?h?kr? energy; it simply d???n’t w?rk lik? th?t. Id??ll?, ?ll seven of ??ur chakras ?r? h??l?d, balanced, open, ?nd humming, allowing ?n?rg? t? flow int? ?nd ?ut ?f ??ur body.The amazing thing i? th?t your b?d? is going t? find a way t? m?v? ?n?rg? in ?nd out (unl???, ?f course, ??ur ?g? self i? telling it t? hold ?n t? ??m?thing).If one ?f ??ur ?h?kr?? i? ?l???d or und?r??tiv?, there i? a v?r? g??d ?h?n?? th?t ?n?th?r ?h?kr? will be overactive t? m?k? u? th? diff?r?n??.B???u?? your b?d? w?nt? t? ??hi?v? ?n?rg?ti? balance in ??ur ?h?kr??, m?ving t?? far in ?ith?r dir??ti?n (und?r??tiv? or overactive) in any one chakra can ??tu?ll? yield n?g?tiv? effects in ??ur body and b? counterproductive t? the ?n?rg? body and chakra hea ling process.An und?r??tiv? ?h?kr? ki?k? ?n?th?r ?h?kr? int? ?v?rdriv?, which in turn ?ull? extra ?n?rg? away from that ??rt of the b?d?.Sim?l? ?r??ti??? to help b?l?n?? your ?h?kr??There are m?n? w??? ??u might int?gr?t? a ?h?kr? b?l?n?ing into ??ur regular ??lf-??r? r?utin?. This i? a basic ?umm?r?, ?lth?ugh ??u m?? wi?h t? d? m?r? r????r?h int? particular techniques.Meditation:Visualize glowing ??h?r?? ??rr????nding to th? colour ?f th? ?h?kr??, ?t?rting with th? r??t ?h?kr? and moving u?. Tun? into each ??rt ?f the b?d? ?? ??u move thr?ugh th? ?h?kr?? ?nd f??l ?n? sensations you might n?ti?? there.Meditation is scientifically proven t? ?u???rt ?v?r?ll h??lth ?nd m?? ?v?n ?l?w brain ?ging. B??ing ??ur practice ?r?und ?h?kr?? i? a gr??t w?? to stay mindful, tun?d in and ??nn??t?d to ??ur b?d?.Acupuncture:If ??u visit ?n ??u?un?turi?t, th?? may ?timul?t? points ??rr????nding t? th? chakras to help ?timul?t? ?r ???n und?r??tiv? chakras and bring them into b?l?n?? with ???h ?th?r.Yog a:Specific ????? w?rk in conjunction with different ?h?kr??.F?r ?x?m?l?, tr?? ???? helps ??u t? f??l gr?und?d, ??rr????nding with th? r??t ?h?kr?. C?m?l pose h?l?? t? open ??ur h??rt chakra to th? ?k?.You m?? wish t? u?? yoga ?? ?n active ??t m?dit?tiv? way t? stimulate ?nd b?l?n?? your ?h?kr??.Exercise: Fir? Br??th Ch?kr? Balancing H??lingThi? ?x?r?i?? is a ?h?kr? h??ling and energy b?d? oriented orgasmic meditation n?m?d b? a Ch?r?k?? medicine m?n, H?rl?? Swiftd??r.Y?u will b? breathing int? each ?f ??ur ?h?kr?? and, as you d? so, im?gining th? ??l?ur? ?f th?t ?h?kr? illumin?ting with bright, h??ling light.As you continue to br??th?, you will m?v? thi? b??utiful ?n?rg? u? ??ur physical and ?n?rg? b?d? in ?ir?l??, and b? th? time it r???h?? ??ur upper ?h?kr?? it will feel like it h?? taken on a lif? ?f it? ?wn.Fir? Br??th i? extremely r?l?xing, rejuvenating ?nd healing f?r ??ur chakras and ?n?rg? b?d?, but it ??n ?l?? ?i?ld ??m? unexpected di???v?ri??. Big ?m?ti?n? may move thr?ug h ??u, ?ft?n ?m?ti?n? ??u weren’t ?v?n aware you were h?lding.Y?u m?? w?nt t? r?l???? t??r? ?r ?x?r??? ?ng?r. While it ??n absolutely be done with ??ur ??rtn?r, I suggest d?ing it ?n ??ur ?wn fir?t.Drop ?n? ?x???t?ti?n? ?nd ?ut ??ur??lf in the mind-??t and ?n?rg? state of the f??ling ??u desire. L?t g? ?f ?n? ?tt??hm?nt ?r ?x???t?ti?n with r?g?rd t? ?ut??m?.Li? ?n ??ur back with your kn??? u? ?nd f??t flat ?n th? fl??r (?r b?d). R?l?x your j?w. Br??th? in through your nose and exhale thr?ugh ??ur m?uth.Imagine ??ur br??th filling u? ??ur b?ll? lik? a b?ll??n. As ??u ?xh?l?, fl?tt?n ??ur l?w?r b??k t? the floor. Th?r? ?h?uld b? a g?ntl? rocking in ??ur pelvis ?? ??u d? thi?.S?u??z? your K?g?l? ?? ??u ?xh?l?.As ??u br??th? in, im?gin? pulling ?n?rg? fr?m your r??t chakraâ€"your ??rin?um. You d?n’t h?v? t? push or pull th? ?n?rg?. It will f?ll?w ??ur th?ught?.N?xt, inhale ??ur energy fr?m ??ur r??t chakra u? to ??ur ???r?l chakra. Th?n exhale, ?ir?ul?ting the ?n?rg? b??k d?wn t? th ? r??t. C?ntinu? moving ??ur energy b?tw??n the r??t ?nd sacral ?h?kr?? b? br??thing in ?nd f??ling it ri??, br??thing ?ut ?nd l?tting it go back t? th? r??t. R????t several times ?nd ??u will n?ti?? it feels lik? th? ?n?rg? is m?ving ???il? ?nd almost on it? ?wn.N?w ?nl?rg? th? ?ir?l? by breathing h??ling ?n?rg? fr?m your r??t ?h?kr? up t? your ??l?r ?l?xu? chakra, ??u??zing ??ur K?g?l mu??l?? ?? ??u br??th? ?ut. R????t this several tim?? as w?ll. When thi? feels ??m?l?t?, r?du?? the ?ir?l? ?? th?t th? energy g??? between ??ur sacral chakra ?nd ??ur ??l?r ?l?xu?.A? you ??ntinu? br??thing and ??u??zing ??ur Kegels, ?nl?rg? th? ?ir?l? ?f ?n?rg? so th?t it m?v?? b?tw??n your ???r?l chakra ?nd ??ur h??rt. When thi? f??l? complete, r?du?? the ?ir?l? so th?t the ?n?rg? goes between your solar plexus and your h??rt ??ntr?. Y?u are m?ving ??ur ?n?rg? fr?m sacral to h??rt and solar plexus t? heart.N?xt m?k? a ?ir?l? ?f ?n?rg? b?tw??n the solar ?l?xu? ?nd thr??t, f?ll?w?d by a smaller ?ir?l? b?tw??n h??rt ?nd thr??t. Wh?n ??u r???h th? thr??t, m?k? ??m? ??und? if you ?r?n’t ?lr??d? d?ing ??, anything fr?m ?igh? to moans t? “aahs!!” This i? lib?r?ting ?nd h?l?? m?v? energy and ?r??t? d????r chakra healing. Th? energy may ?t?rt m?ving u? th? ?h?kr?? in ?ir?l?? ?n it? ?wn ?? th? m?m?ntum gets building.Br??th? in, moving ?n?rg? from the h??rt t? th? third eye, ?nd br??th? out and back d?wn t? th? heart. Do thi? ??v?r?l tim??, f?ll?w?d b? a ?m?ll?r ?ir?l? b?tw??n th? throat and th? third ???. Wh?n ??u’r? ??nding ?n?rg? int? your third eye, r?ll ??ur eyes up (keeping them ?l???d) ?? if you can ??? ?ut the top ?f ??ur h??d. Thi? will help your ?n?rg? rise and ??ur ?h?kr?? h??l and balance.The n?xt ?ir?l? i? fr?m the thr??t t? th? crown f?ll?w?d by a ?m?ll?r circle b?tw??n the third ??? ?nd th? crown chakra.Keep br??thing and m?ving your hips ?nd m?ving the ?n?rg? in circles, giving ??ur b?d? the ????? t? g? thr?ugh th? full process ?f ?h?kr? h??ling and ?n?rg? body r? juv?n?ti?n.C?N?LU?I?NW? h?v? talked ?b?ut what ?h?kr?? ?r? and h?w they are im??rt?nt. Th? w?rd ‘chakra’ is d?riv?d from the S?n?krit w?rd m??ning ‘wh??l’ ?nd it lit?r?ll? m??n? ‘Wh??l ?f ??inning En?rg?’.Ch?kr?? ?r? ?ll ?b?ut ?n?rg?.Even ??i?n?? t?ll? u? that w? are t?t?ll? m?d? ?f energy ?nd ?h?kr? represents those ?n?rgi??. Once th??? ?n?rgi?? ?r? balanced, we w?uld h?v? a h??lthi?r ?nd h???i?r life.If ?n? i? in ?x???? ?r in?d??u?t?, we begin to f??? ?h??i??l, ?m?ti?n?l ?nd ??iritu?l ?r?bl?m? in ?ur wellbeing. This is why w? n??d to balance ?ut our chakras.Th?r? ?r? 7 m?j?r chakra ??l?ur? in th? human body ?nd each ?n? h?? it? function. Make ?ur? t? k??? th?m b?l?n??d thr?ugh meditations and ??g?.S?m? ????l? might ?till b? ????ti??l ?b?ut this, I im?l?r? ??u to h?v? an ???n mind ?nd giv? it a tr?. It d???n’t hurt t? tr?.

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Run in Someone Elses Gym Shoes Essay - 1025 Words

We live in a society, today, where everyone has different needs. There are different kinds of people everywhere; the full-time worker, the total family parent, and the people who work multiple jobs to pay the rent†¦ For that reason, local health clubs vary with what they offer so that everyone has a place they can go to stay active and fit. Some examples of these varying gyms are LA fitness, Lifetime Fitness, and Cardinal Fitness. Each club has something different that they specialize in. As much as that is a good quality, some people have trouble choosing what the best gym is for them because they have to choose a quality each health club specializes in over all other clubs. Cardinal Fitness is a very self-advocated gym. Their hours†¦show more content†¦For amenities, they have locker-rooms, showers (although they do not provide you any towels), and stretching areas. My grandpa goes to this gym because he likes the simplicity of it. You can guess that my grandpa doesn’t like a lot of complexity or having to figure out how different machines work! He says his favorite quality of Cardinal fitness is how cheap they are. For ten dollars a month, he doesn’t feel like he’s losing money when he isn’t able to go every day. Another popular local gym is Lifetime Fitness. Lifetime Fitness is a twenty-four hour health club that is up and running all day, every day, Sunday though Sunday! Lifetime Fitness prides themselves on only taking a total of five days off all year round; one of those days in Christmas! Monthly, Lifetime Fitness costs approximately seventy dollars a month. That may sound like a lot of money but for suc h a huge gym, you’ll never have to worry about not getting to work out on the machine you want! Speaking of machines, Lifetime fitness has just about every machine and kind of free weight you can imagine you’d want to try! They also have many instructor-led classes that get raving reviews such as their strength, fitness, cardio, endurance, aerobics/ water aerobics, Pilates, Zumba, kick-boxing, and yoga classes! My family used to be members at Lifetime Fitness, and my dadShow MoreRelatedTelevision, Music And Games Help Build Society s Knowledge About The Unknown1553 Words   |  7 Pagesdaily lives. Social media, television, music and games help build society’s knowledge about the unknown. Im sure without these things that it wouldn’t be the same.For example, how did you found out about those shoes you were wearing or that phone you really wanted? you may have saw someone with it, but how did they find out about it. Most people would say a commercial on television or the internet.Quite frankly we do the things we do because of what we are surrounded by. we all communicate throughRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Coffee Shop1671 Words   |  7 Pagesnotice how the women are dressed. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Ideological Content And Violent Practices Of Stalinism...

To what extent were the ideological content and violent practices of Stalinism consisted with Leninist principles? This essay will examine the extent to which the political phenomena know as Stalinism was a derivative of Leninist principle. Stalinism being defined as the governing polices implemented under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, particularly during the period between the end of the New Economic Policy in 1929 and the death of Stalin 1953. These policies were characterised by the use of extreme violence in the form of persistent State terror in order to achieve social and political ends. Specific examples such as the collectivisation of agriculture and the Great purge of the communist party have all been attributed to the Stalinist system. Stalinism also places greater priority on the creation of ‘socialism in one country’ rather than the spreading of revolution abroad through communist internationalism. The extent to which the Stalinist system was a product of or a degeneration of Leninism has been intensely debated by historians. Leninism being defined as a form of Marxis m where the Bolshevik party would seize power and maintain a dictatorship through the use of violence, in order for socialism and eventually communism to be created. This essay will seek to explore whether the violent policies associated with Stalinism where the result of the continuation by Stalin of the processes initiation by Vladimir Lenin under his direction and whether the intentions of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Topics Free Essays

KANCHAN AHUJA Lily Villa, 12th Road, Chembur, Mumbai – 400 071 Phone Nos: (R)022- 25217372 (M) 98207 10041 Email : kanchanahuja@rediffmail. com Currently persuing Masters in management from K J Somaiya Institute of management Batch – 2008-2011 Objective: To secure a challenging and rewarding position within a reputable company offering personal development opportunities based on performance. Work Experience: HSBC Bank : Designation: Premier Service Manager Nov 2005 – Aug 2007 Job Role: Portfolio management of Premier Customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Topics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Growing and deepening customer relationships through effective relationship management, with special focus on the analysis and satisfaction of Customers’ financial as well as investment needs and objectives. |Profile: | | | |†¢ Sales – Going on sales calls to existing as well as new customers to deepen relationships and obtain referrals to source new | |business for purpose of achieving business targets. | | | |†¢ Analytical Skills- Identification of opportunities and managing relationships with top bank customers for cross selling | | |to the client through sales of liability products (savings, current accounts and term deposits) as well as third party | | |products like Mutual Funds, Insurance (Life General) | | |†¢ Customer Service – Ensure excellent service delivery by maintaining TAT for Client queries, proactive service | |interactions with Clients. | | |†¢ Record keeping – Update the client details and map all client relation ships to arrive at household / family relationship | | |value size at any point in time. | | |†¢ Time management – Accurate and timely reporting of documentation and deliverables for all new client acquisitions on a | | |weekly basis. | | |†¢ Co-ordination-Liaising with product and ops teams to ensure compliance of process flows and documentation. | | |†¢ Provide research on investment patterns for clients and arrive at an opportunity sheet. | |†¢ Operations – Handling outward and inward remittances | Aviva Life Insurance India Pvt Ltd. (March 2005 – Nov 2005) Designation: Manager Sales Private Banking Assets Team (ABN AMRO BANK) A very short stint wherein I was responsible for sales of life insurance plans to the Private banking clients and the credit card holders of ABN AMRO Bank through my sales team of 8 members. Expertise – CONVERTING LEADS, TEAM MANAGEMENT and CO-ORDINATION Standard Chartered Bank. (15th May 2003 –31st Oc tober 2004) Designation: Personal Financial Consultant – Retail Banking Division Profile:Sales ? Achieving the Targets set in terms of product mix and the budgeted cross sell targets. ? Focus on revenue generating products for the bank mainly Insurance and Mutual Funds. ? Housing loan leads to be generated and forwarded to the Executives and ensuring constant follow ups with the loan team and the customers ensuring smooth flow and closure of deals. ? Being the Housing loan champion constant follow-ups with the fellow team for leads and successful closures. ? Updating maintaining all Sales MIS (Calls, Prospects, Attritions, etc. Relationship Management ? Providing the BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE to the existing customers. This would include ensuring resolution / best possible solution to the queries raised, resulting in the customer retention within the set guidelines of my company. ? Establishing relations with new customers by introducing all the products (Asset and Liability products) ensuri ng lasting relationship with the bank. ? Generating new business to achieve defined sales targets. ? Building and deepening relationships with existing Customers to achieve increase in share of wallet and revenues. Providing professional customer service to achieve a high percentage of customer satisfaction and retention. ? Managing the portfolio to de-risk against attrition and achieve stability of book. ? Having complete knowledge of the customer base in terms of the profile, demographics psychographics and assets in the Bank and in other places. Baazee. com (I) Pvt. Ltd: 9th March 2000 – 9th May 2003 (3 years) Designation : Sr. Customer Service Executive Reporting : CFO and Asst. Manager Collection. Purpose : To ensure the Company’s Best Interest and its Customers are protected at all times. As a customer Service executive I am responsible for maintaining defined personal standards and operating economically and efficiently in the pursuit of the following. Job Profile: †¢ Team management and training. †¢ Weekly / monthly MIS generation. †¢ Regular update to the management in order to understand, modify and streamline processes improving customer experience online followed by implementation. †¢ Query handling, Customer satisfaction and retention. †¢ Administration of TALISMA, an e-CRM Solution. Creating standard responses and Work Flow for Customer Care Team. †¢ Revenue Capture. †¢ Conducted Surveys and Generating reports relating to Customer Satisfaction, Ratio of fulfillment on regular basis, changing trends and addressing customer concerns. †¢ Consistently monitoring Vendor Performance based of parameters of service levels, fulfil lment ratio. Achievements: †¢ Solely Handled NATIONAL PROMOTIONS â€Å"November Dhamaka 2000†and IT Festival for August- September 2001, End-to-End Process. Including Uploads of auctions, pre and post closure procedures and fulfillment of auctions. Handled multiple tasks at a time efficiently and with Good Results. The tasks included logistics; Image editing for uploads on the site, quality assurance of the data uploaded on the site, Resolving assigned mails in Talisma within the stipulated period. †¢ Overachieved Revenue targets consistently. †¢ Provided suggestions for the processes being followed internally, which have been appreciated and incorporated as a standard processes within the team. †¢ Assisted in Developing Mobiles, IT and Travel categories resulting in high number of fulfillment (Sales). Awarded as the Best Customer Care Executive and Employee for the Year 2000 and 2001. Based on Online Research carried through Out calling and day to day cus tomer interactions gathered valuable insights, which have now been incorporated in the website design. Anchor Holidays Pvt. Ltd (Time Share group): December 1999 till February 2000 Designation : Customer Service Executive Responsibilities: †¢ Provide information about the available packages and various schemes. Accommodate a suitable package for different customers, as per the budget requirement. Proactive Calls to members updating them about the latest schemes and offers. †¢ Keeping a track of benefits / holidays utilized by the customer during the validity period. Qualifications – Graduated from Mumbai University-Year 1999(H. R College Of Commerce Economics) Personal Information Date of Birth: 14th October 1978 Marital Status: Married ( Dec ‘ 04 ) Spouse : Advocate Vishal Puri References: Mr. Anupam SanghaviMr. Sai Pratyush Siesta Hospitality Services Pvt LtdQuotrro BPO Solutions Chief Operating officerGeneral Manager Phone: (M) 98200 01858 ; 9987204401Phon e: (M) 9910225558 KANCHAN AHUJA. How to cite Marketing Topics, Essays

Monday, April 27, 2020

Religion Ways Essays - Geography Of Asia, Asia, Arab League

Religion Ways Members of religions have all acted to unify their society at some point in time. The Arabs in the Middle East tried to unify all the Arab states and three men tried to unify warring states of Japan. Those two religions acted to bring people together for a good cause. Buddhism and Shinto were the two most popular belief systems of Japan. Shinto was a religion that was about nature, the divinity of the emperor, and the sacredness of the Japanese nation. There were three men that worked toward the unity of Japan. They were called the Three Great Unifiers. Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa worked to unify the warring states of Japan. They all worked together at the time of the end of the fifteenth century when Japan was near the point of anarchy. The rulers stayed in command until the seventeenth century. The three great unifiers achieved their goal of unifying all of Japan. The Japanese werent the only ones that tried to create a unified society. The Muslims in the Middle East also wanted to create a unified society. The Muslims were monotheistic, and they followed the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. In the Middle East, the ruler of Egypt was trying to unite all the Arab states because he believed in pan-Arabism. Pan-Arabism is the belief in Arab unity. In 1957, the Baath Party which advocated a union of all Arab states in a new socialist society, assumed power in Syria. Syria and Egypt then united together and formed the United Arab Republic. Other Arab states would join the union, but many of the states were suspicious because they didnt want to share their revenues with poorer states. Nassers dream of improving all of the Middle East tragically came to an end when the UAR came to an end. A military coup overthrew the Baath leaders in Syria. Although President Nasser tried to unify the Middle East, his support was not great enough to produce a chan ge in the society. President Nesser worked hard to create a unified society in the Middle East. Religion

Thursday, March 19, 2020

OBJECT Essays - Food And Drink, Chemistry, Fruit Juice, Biochemistry

OBJECT Essays - Food And Drink, Chemistry, Fruit Juice, Biochemistry OBJECT Inhibition of Polyphenol Oxidase activity in Apple by using some natural and synthetic anti browning agents . REQUIREMENTS Acidic fruit juices (pineapple, orange, lime, lemon ) 1% Salt solution 1% HCL solution 1% NAOH solution Tap water Apple slice s THEORY E nzymatic browning is one of the most important reactions that occur in fruits and vegetables, usually resulting in negative effects on color, taste, flavor, and nutritional value. The reaction is a consequence of phenolic compounds' oxidation by polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which triggers the generation of dark pigments. This is particularly relevant for apples, which are rich in polyphenols and highly su sceptible to enzymatic browning. In plant cells, phenolic compounds are located in the vacuoles, whereas polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) is located in plastids. Damaged areas in cells allow the contact between PPO and phenolic compounds, triggering the reaction known as enzymatic browning. Examples of beneficial enzymatic browning: Developing color and flavor in Coffee, Cocoa beans, and tea. Developing color and flavor in dried fruit such as figs and raisins. Examples of non-beneficial enzymatic browning: A non-desirable enzymatic browning reaction is involved in the formation of brown spots on the peel of bananas ,avocados,apples and potatoes Polyphenols - main components in enzymatic browning Polyphenols , also called phenolic compounds, are group of chemical substances present in plants (fruits, vegetables) which play an important role during enzymatic browning, because they are substrates for the browning-enzymes. Phenolic compoun ds are responsible for the colo r of many plants, such as apples, they are part of the taste and flavo r of beverages (apple juice, tea), and are important anti-oxidants in plants. Polyphenols are normally complex organic substances, which contain more than one phenol group (carbolic acid): Polyphenol oxidase (PPO ) Polyphenoloxidases are a class of enzymes that were first discovered in mushrooms and are widely distributed in nature. They appear to reside in the plastids and chloroplasts of plants, although freely existing in the cytoplasm of senesci ng or ripening plants. Polypheno loxidase is thought to play an important role in the resistance of plants to microbial and viral infections and to adverse climatic conditions. Polyphenoloxidase also occurs in animals and is thought to increase disease resistance in insects and crustaceans. In the presence of oxygen from air, the enzyme catalyzes the first steps in thebiochemicalconversion of phenolics to produce quinones, which undergo further polymerization to yield dark, insoluble polymers referred to as melanins . These melanin form barriers and have antimicrobial properties which prevent the spread of infection or bruis ing in plant tissues. Example of a general reaction of polyphenols by Polyphenol Oxidases that catalyzes enzymatic browning. The production of Quinones undergoes more reactions which eventually form brown pigments on the surface of fruits and vegetable. PREVENTION OF ENZYMATIC BROWNING The control of the enzymatic browning is of great importance to the horticulture industry, because this reaction occurs in many fruits and vegetables, often negatively affecting the attributes of color, taste, flavor, and nutritional value. It is estimated that more than 50% of fruit market losses ar e a result of enzymatic browning . Researchers are especially interested in studying the control (inhibition) of browning by different methods that can be employed to maximize this inhibition and ultimately pr olong the shelf l ife of commodity.Several methods can be applied to avoid enzymatic browning, based on inactivating the enzyme (heat) or by removing essential components (m ost often oxygen) from the product Blanching is a short heat treatment to destroy or inactivate enzymes before freezing of prod ucts (mainly vegetables). The enzyme activity is pH dependent. Lowering of the pH to 4.0 by the addition of citric,ascorbicor otheracidsinhibits the enzyme activity. Addition of chemical inhibitors like acidulants ,chelating agents, reducing agents may also directly react with enzyme and substrate or change the product composition . METHOD Cut one apple into small thin slices in such way that its pulp portion is exposed to our reagent . Separately place an apple slice in petri dishes and labeled them . With natural anti browning agent, in four samples out of all, squeeze some suitable amount of fresh fruit juices on apple slice. With the synthetic browning agent, firstly prepare solutions

Monday, March 2, 2020

Countries That Lie on the Earths Equator

Countries That Lie on the Earths Equator Although the equator stretches  24,901 miles  (40,075 kilometers) around the world, it travels  through the territory of just 13 countries- and yet the landmasses of two of these countries do not touch the Earths  equator. Did You Know? The equator is an imaginary line that circles the Earth, splitting it into northern and southern hemispheres. Any location that lies along the equator is equidistant from the North and South Poles. The 13 Countries That Lie on the Equator Of the 13 countries that lie on the equator, seven are in Africa- the most of any continent- while South America is home to three of the nations (Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil). The remaining three (Maldives, Kiribati, and Indonesia) are island nations in the Indian and Pacific oceans.   The countries of Sao Tome and Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil all lie along the equator. The landmasses of Maldives and Kiribati, however, do not touch the equator itself. Instead, the equator passes through water controlled by these two island countries. Latitude and Longitude The equator is one of five lines of latitude that help provide relative locations on an atlas. The other four include  the Arctic Circle, the Antarctic  Circle, the Tropic of Cancer, and the Tropic of Capricorn.  Because the Earth bulges at the center, the equator is significantly longer than any of the other lines of latitude. Along with the lines of longitude which run from pole to pole, they make it possible for cartographers and navigators to locate any spot on the globe. The plane of the equator passes through the sun at the March and September equinoxes. The sun appears to travel directly north to south over the equator at these times. Because of this, people living along the equator experience the quickest sunrises and sunsets as the sun travels perpendicular to the equator most of the year, with the length of days being almost entirely the same throughout- daylight lasting 14 minutes longer than nighttime. Climate and Temperatures Most countries that lie along the equator experience much warmer temperatures year-round than other areas of the world that share the same elevation. Thats because of the equators near-constant exposure to the same levels of sun exposure regardless of the time of year. As a result, the countries that lie along the equators include almost half of the worlds rainforest; they are concentrated in the African nations of Congo, Brazil, and Indonesia. Even so, the equator offers a surprisingly diverse climate due to the geographical features of countries that lie along it. There is little fluctuation in temperature throughout the year, though there may be dramatic differences in rainfall and humidity, which are determined by wind currents. In fact, the terms summer, fall, winter, and spring dont really apply to regions along the equator. Instead, people who live in the especially humid tropic regions refer to only two seasons: wet and dry. Equator Extremes Its reasonable and largely accurate to assume that the weather is uniformly warm or hot around the equator. But of course, weather and climate relate not only to latitude but also to geography. Some countries that lie on the equator are flat and warm but others, like Ecuador, include high mountains where the weather is extremely cold. In fact, you will find snow and ice year-round on  Cayambe, a volcano in Ecuador that reaches to 5,790 meters (nearly 19,000 feet). It is the only place on the equator where snow lies on the ground year-round.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Work control and conflict in formal organizations Essay

Work control and conflict in formal organizations - Essay Example Using Edwards’ definition of labor markets, Company A is an Independent Primary Market (p.418). Employment is stable and job security high because there is never a lack of criminal offenders. There are possibilities of being promoted to a higher rank, or transferring to one of many other positions within the jail. Specific physical and educational requirements must be met and the pay is competitive. In 2004 Company A won a battle to decertify the existing Teamsters Union and form its own Guild in an attempt to secure a better bargaining position with the county. The conflicts at Company A are many and diverse. The line officers and administrative staff (the decision makers) have different views on inmate and officer safety concerns, work hours and conditions and types of initiatives the officers are permitted to take regarding inmate discipline or operating procedures. Teams of personnel who work well together are being assigned separate posts, and there is no longer the feeling of camaraderie that was the norm a few years ago. On a daily basis, the work environment at Company A exemplifies several of Dalton’s descriptions of conflict (p. 153). The new administration, in its attempt to exert control and in an honest effort to improve efficiency, holds many meetings to develop new policies, techniques, and work standards. Whether to return to prior norms or to antagonize management, line officers frequently and deliberately create situations so that these new ideas will fail. The main reason for this worker behavior is that, with few exceptions, management style at Company A tends toward the Initiating Structure Leadership style (Pool, p. 272) and technical control (Edwards, p. 415). The result is micro management. Leaders utilizing the Initiating Structure Leadership style as defined by Pool organize and define the relationships of the group and dictate how the work is to be

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Is sickle cell pain adequately managed in a hospital setting Essay

Is sickle cell pain adequately managed in a hospital setting - Essay Example The latter is a synthesis of researches from the main contributors on the same study. The two medical research articles to be presented in this critique will be analyzed in six (6) parts. (1) First is on the statement of the research problem. For the research problem, this section will find out if the problems stated or implied in the two research articles are clear, researchable, and related to field-nursing. The first part will also examine the competence and qualifications of the researchers who conducted the research. (2) The second part is concerned about the literature review. In this section, the relevance, comprehensiveness, currency, and logic of the literature reviews will be evaluated. (3) The third part of this critique studies on the study design. It consists of the study design, discussion of the theoretical framework and the statements of the hypothesis. (4) The fourth is about the data collection. It identifies the data collection methods used in the research articles including the justifications of the usage of these methods. This part also talks abo ut the validity and reliability of the data collection methods. (5) Next part tackles the data analyses of the two articles. This section analyses the appropriateness and descriptiveness of the analysis methods on the data. The analysis methods involve the presentation of findings in the form of tables, graphs, and charts and also some discussions. (6) The last part discusses the conclusions and recommendations presented in the two researches for future studies. This section tends to evaluate if the conclusions presented justify their purposes. In Thomas, Wilson-Barnett, and Goodhart’s research article, they state the problem concerning the difficulty of the management of pain on patients with sickle cell disease. They state the problem by saying the current state in the pain management of sickle cell disease in hospitals. As quoted in their article: â€Å"Painful crisis

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Hypocrisy of Religion in Moby Dick Essay -- Moby Dick Essays

The Hypocrisy of Religion in Moby Dick Stubb decides to give Old Fleece a lecture on religion after waking him to complain about his overcooked whale steak. Not only does Stubb ask Fleece to "preach" to the sharks who are making a considerable din eating the dead whale chained to the ship, but he compares Fleece's inability to "correctly" cook a whale steak to Fleece's un-Christian ways. This passage is an excellent example of the theme of the hypocrisy of religion in Moby Dick. Before Stubb calls on Fleece, Ishmael compares the actions of the shark to the actions of man. He first compares Stubb to the sharks: "Nor was Stubb the only banqueter on whale's flesh that night. Mingling their mumblings with his own mastications, thousands on thousands of sharks, swarming round the dead leviathan, smackingly feasted on its fatness" (Melville ___). By comparing Stubb to a shark, Ishmael portrays him as beastly and uncivilized, two traits that contradict the Christianity he professes and ministers to Fleece. Two more references are made to solidify the comparison; Ishmael describes the "smacking" of Stubb's "epicurean lips," and Stubb himself says he prefers his whale steak the way the sharks prefer it. Next, Ishmael alludes to the bond between sharks and man in general. "The few sleepers below in their bunks were often startled by the sharp slapping of their tails against the hull, within a few inches of the sleepers' hearts" (___). This line poses contradiction; how can the tails of the sharks be within inches of the crew's hearts in the tails are slapping the hull of the ship, for the hull of a whaleboat would be much wider than a few inches. What Ishmael means when he says "within a few inches of the sleepers' hearts" is... of Stubb, he is being ordered to perform a number of tasks, including bowing to Stubb. Religion is nothing more than a hierarchy, where those in power are able to use others in the name of religion. Fleece never shows any sign of relief or enjoyment at being a Christian now; in fact, he seems to have gone through the conversion just so Stubb would let him go to bed. As Fleece walks away from Stubb, he mutters to himself, "Wish, by gor! whale eat him, 'stead of him eat whale. I'm bressed if he ain't more of shark dan Massa Shark hisself" (___). This is the culmination of the scene, where Fleece spells out that sharks, savage beasts without religion, and Stubb, a cultured Christian, are quite similar. This makes Stubb a hypocrite, and his Christian belief system questionable. Works Cited Mellville, Herman. Moby Dick. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964.

Friday, January 17, 2020

One Nation Under Corn?

A position paper done in fall of 2012 on the cause and affect of the industrialized corn crop. I decided on this subject after my own battle with illness. This battle, ended up changing my diet, and my life as it turns out. I have almost completely removed any corn derived product from my life (all-be-it difficult sometimes) and am a proponent of a purely organic vegetarian diet. One Nation Under Corn? Chad Cribb DeVry University One Nation Under Corn One of the many freedoms we enjoy in this great country is the freedom to choose what you will eat and when you will eat it.Pull up to your favorite fast food burger restaurant, and little thought goes into the entire process. From the drive there, to the ordering of your food, and the packaging they are contained in. When we think more about it, as Michael Pollan did in his book, â€Å"The Omnivore’s Dilemma†, there is a whole lot more going on. Pollan dives deep into the heart of our nation’s fascination with the corn crop and its many uses. Corn started out as a crop grown to feed its people. But in this day and age, very little is actually eaten. Corn has become a giant in the food industry, at a low price; thanks in part to the government help.We started this nation as one based in principle and in the pursuit of freedom†¦. and now it seems†¦ corn. But who is the real beneficiary of this corn crop? And just as important†¦who are the losers? Corn has been around since recorded history and has played a major role in trade and many complex social societies. Corn’s spread across the globe began after contact between the European colonial powers and indigenous peoples of North and South America. It continued on to Africa during the slave trades and was used to actually pay for them. What’s more, it was a source of power for the African middlemen involved in the slave trade.Fast forward now to the 1940’s and 1950’s as corn and corn based foods became c rucial in the agriculture market to sustain military troops during the war. It was after the war that America saw a huge surplus in corn yield partly due to the new hybrid seeds and fertilizers that had recently been manufactured. This surplus had a dramatic effect on the market and the market prices. It was these prices, over the years that caused unpredictable price swings (Wise 2005-9). As our population has increasingly grown thru the years, our need for more food has increased along with it.The polarity between the two was unbalanced and by using the free market approach, farmers regularly had booms and busts in the market. Making farmers the target of continued and increasing depressed prices in their crop. The government soon stepped in with â€Å"The New Deal†, in order to bring supply into line with demand, an approach known as â€Å"supply management† using conservation set-asides, a price floor guaranteeing a fair price (like having a minimum wage), and a gr ain reserve to deal with overproduction. What was not widely known, it appears, is the corporate-world began lobbying for a free market approach again.Beginning in the 1970’s, they used the World Food Crisis and the Russian Wheat Deal to validate their argument to government. Coupling that with the notion of â€Å"getting government out of agriculture†. The result of that was that prices collapsed by the late 1990’s and the government had to bail out farmers with millions in emergency subsidy payments. Prices completely collapsed shortly after the 1996 Freedom to Farm Act, causing expensive taxpayer bailouts. By 2000, subsidies provided 49% of farmers’ net income. This has helped the corn industry to comprise 95% of all food grain produced in America (USDA 2010).The government’s well-intended approach to help â€Å"prop up† the industry, in fact, created a market dependent on the very subsidies that were created to help it. Between 1995 and 2006, the government paid out $56 billion in corn subsidies (Wise 2005-12). What’s more, it helps create a market monopoly. With only 3 companies controlling 90% of the corn market, 2 companies controlling the corn seed market, and 4 companies controlling the high fructose corn syrup industry, the answer should be clear. But as Pollan points out, â€Å"It’s not about who is profiting, but rather who is suffering† (Pollan 2006).Most of what we see in the news is the emphasis placed in the trials and tribulations of the farmer, for the benefit of the consumer. But is it really the consumer who benefits? If the price of food per calorie is the magic calculation, then the answer is yes. But if the average weight per person is, then the answer is no. As the corn industry exploded and the number of companies shrank, corn began a new transformation into other parts of the food industry and more. This came in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), gasoline additiv es, plastics, and cattle feed to name a few.Cattle feed now encompasses over 50% of the industrialized corn produced in America (Wise 2005-11). The increase of this has helped create the perpetual cycle that has infested the industry, and moreover, the agricultural policy that affects it. The overproduction of corn has led to an overconsumption of corn; mostly in an indirect way. America’s agriculture and international trade policies have created an environment that breeds monopolies and corruption. Big business lobbyist has taken hold in an industry that believes in the â€Å"bottom line†.This philosophy has squeezed out the once popular sugar cane, and ushered in the cheaper, easily produced, HFCS for its products. Because the government has placed so many incentives on the production of corn, other more healthy crops have been left behind. Crops like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have quickly become a thing of the past. The relationship between government and business has become as unhealthy as the population consuming the products they produce. At one point, it almost looks like the industry wanted the market to crash and the government to step in.One would ask why anyone would want that. Because subsidizing the industrial crop ensures it stays at a cheap price for one. Secondly, the corporations who buy corn to turn into high fructose corn syrup (used in almost every food product) or as feed for livestock, or ethanol for vehicles operations have profited by the billions. Thirdly, the corporate consolidation of our food system as whole. When you think about it, it reaches thru banks, seeds, fertilizers, grain traders, food processors, manufacturing plant, to retailing. Walsh says, â€Å"This kind f uncompetitive market squeezes the farmer on both sides† (Walsh-2009). This notion seems to place a lot of blame on the subsidies themselves. My contention is that subsidies are not the problem with our food system, but merely a produc t of a broken system. To fix the farm policy, legislators must first have a clear understanding of who wins and who loses under the current system and why. Also, the high tariffs placed on sugar cane need to be downsized to allow for balance in the market. But this is a prime example of how the government’s intention to help has unintentional consequences.I believe that the root of our problem today is the â€Å"clinging† to a free market food system. One that allows commodities like corn to be priced so low that would allow big business to develop monopolies over farmers and corn while reaping huge profits because of cheap corn. America now spends less of our income on food than any other generation in history (Pollan-2002). When you look at it in perspective, the agriculture our grandparents helped build was now growing fast food. This affecting our wallets, farmlands, and waistline.Some may say that our waistline and rate of disease are due to laziness and other fac tors. I disagree. I believe they are a direct relation to cheap, processed food made by cheap, industrialized corn. In order for us to decrease the consumption of corn, the government needs to cease its subsidizing of it. This will do two things. One, it let the markets adjust themselves at a rate that creates dependence on itself rather than assistance. Two, tighten the ability of lobbyist to affect change in agriculture and government policy that increase benefits to the very few.The bottom line here is this; big business reaps profits at the expense of the farmer. And the consumer? Well†¦. we are just scenery it seems in this great manipulation of industrialized food industry. And as I see it; in an economy where every dollar counts, doesn’t it make sense for the government to hang onto theirs? Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma. â€Å"A Natural History of Four Meals†. April 2006 This well-known book has been called an â€Å"eater’s manifest o† by critics and peers alike. Pollan, Michael. What’s America Eating? Smithsonian, June 2006. Retrieved on October 4, 2012 http://michaelpollan. om/articles-archive/whats-eating-america/ An article, written with a chronological touch, that takes reader from â€Å"soup-to-nuts† on the history of corn and how it came to western America. Pollan, Michael. When Crop Becomes King. NY Times. July 2002. Retrieved on October 1, 2012 http://www. organicconsumers. org/toxic/toomuchcorn071902. cfm An article written in a way that is easily understood for most. This article describes Zea Mays (original term) from Central America to what we know today as corn Walsh, Bryan. â€Å"Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Corn†.Time Magazine. August 21, 2009. http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1917726-2,00. html Walsh is a senior writer for Time Magazine and a correspondent for the last 8 years Health Journalism Fellowship from the Center for Disease Con trol Foundation. As part of this fellowship, he attended training at the U. S. Centers for Disease Control during summer 2010. Wise, Timothy. Identifying the Real Winners from US Agricultural Policies. Tufts University. December 2005. Retrieved October 1, 2012. http://www. ase. tufts. edu/gdae/Pubs/wp/05-07RealWinnersUSAg. pdf