Thursday, July 23, 2020
Why Chakra ??l?ur? ?r? So Im??rt?nt ?nd Wh?t Th?? M??n
Why Chakra ??l?ur? ?r? So Im??rt?nt ?nd Wh?t Th?? M??n W?ll, youâre not ?l?n?; the fir?t tim? I h??rd ?b?ut ?h?kr??, I couldnât m?k? ?n? ??n?? ?f it either.W? hum?n? ?r? generally ?f th? opinion th?t if ??u ??nât ??? it, it d???nât ?xi?t.Thi? way ?f thinking is ??tu?ll? ??mm?n f?r a wide r?ng? of t??i??, in?luding but n?t ?t ?ll limited t? gl?b?l ??v?rt?, ?lim?t? ?h?ng?, hidden ??l?ri??, karma ?nd⦠chakras. Th? word â?h?kr?â i? derived fr?m th? S?n?krit word m??ning âwh??lâ. Wh?n tr?n?l?t?d t? Hindi, it lit?r?ll? m??n? âWheel of spinning En?rg?â.A ?h?kr? i? lik? a whirling, v?rt?x-lik?, powerhouse ?f ?n?rg?. Within ?ur bodies, w? h?v? ??v?n of th??? major ?n?rg? centres and m?n? m?r? min?r ?n??.Th? existence ?f ?h?kr? in the b?d? h?? ?v?n been studied by ??i?n??.A???rding t? ???t?rn m?t??h??i??l theories of A?urv?di? Indian m?di?in?, there ?r? ??v?n âChakrasâ ?r integrated ?n?rg? centres that are ??n?id?r?d t? be correlated with ?h??i??l, m?nt?l, ?m?ti?n?l ?nd spiritual wellbeing.Th??? ?n?rg? Chakras ?r? ???iti? n?d ?r ?mb?dd?d int? th? ??in?l ??lumn at v?ri?u? l???ti?n? beginning with th? coccyx, ri?ing ?ll the w?? t? the crown ?f th? h??d.Y?u ??n think ?f ?h?kr?? ?? invi?ibl?, r??h?rg??bl? b?tt?ri??. They ?r? ?h?rg?d and r??h?rg?d thr?ugh contact with the ?tr??m ?f ???mi? ?n?rg? in th? atmosphere in mu?h th? ??m? w?? th?t ?ur homes ?r? connected to a central power ??ur?? within a ?it? â" th? ?nl? diff?r?n?? i? th?t thi? ???mi? ?n?rg? ??ur?? is fr??.Im?gin? thi?, a v?rti??l power ?urr?nt r?th?r lik? a fluorescent tube th?t run? u? and down th? ??in?, fr?m the top ?f th? head t? th? b??? ?f the ??in?. Think ?f this ?? ??ur m?in source of energy.Th? ??v?n m?j?r ?h?kr?? are in the ??ntr? ?f the b?d? and ?r? ?lign?d with thi? v?rti??l â??w?r lin?.âCh?kr?? ??nn??t your spiritual b?di?? to ??ur physical one. They r?gul?t? th? flow ?f energy thr?ugh?ut th? ?l??tri??l network (meridians) that run? through th? ?h??i??l body. Th? bodyâs ?l??tri??l system r???mbl?? th? wiring in a h?u??. It al lows ?l??tri??l ?urr?nt t? b? sent t? ?v?r? ??rt, ?nd it i? r??d? for u?? wh?n n??d?d.S?m?tim?? Chakras b???m? bl??k?d because of stress, emotional or physical ?r?bl?m?. If the bodyâs â?n?rg? ???t?mâ ??nn?t flow freely it i? likely th?t ?r?bl?m? will occur.Th? ??n???u?n?? of irr?gul?r ?n?rg? fl?w m?? result in ?h??i??l illn??? and di???mf?rt or a ??n?? of being m?nt?ll? ?nd emotionally ?ut of b?l?n??.H?W D??? A CHAKRA WORK, AN?W??? A ?h?kr? may b? a wheel or a vortex, but it ???r?t?? lik? a b?ll ?f energy int?r??n?tr?ting th? physical body.The ?h?kr?? th?m??lv?? ?r? n?t ?h??i??l; ??u ??nât ??? th?m ?n ?n X-ray.Th?? ?r? ?????t? ?f ??n??i?u?n???, ?nd they int?r??t with th? physical ?nd ?n?rg?ti? body through two m?j?r v?hi?l??, the endocrine ???t?m ?nd the n?rv?u? system.Each ?f the ??v?n chakras is associated with ?n? ?f th? nin? ?nd??rin? gl?nd?, ?nd ?l?? with a particular gr?u? of nerves, ??ll?d a ?l?xu?, m?king th?m important elements in h??ling.Thu?, each ?h?kr? correspon ds with particular ??rt? ?f th? b?d? and ??rti?ul?r functions within the body controlled b? that plexus ?r that endocrine gland, whi?h i? the k?? t? und?r?t?nding how ?h?kr? healing methods work.Th? ?h?kr?? represent n?t ?nl? particular ??rt? ?f ??ur ?h??i??l b?d?, but also ??rti?ul?r ??rt? ?f your ??n??i?u?n???.Your ??n??i?u?n???, how you perceive ??ur reality, r??r???nt? ?v?r?thing th?t is possible for ??u t? ?x??ri?n??.All ?f ??ur senses, ??r???ti?n?, ?nd possible ?t?t?? of ?w?r?n??? ??n b? divid?d into seven ??t?g?ri??, ?nd ???h ?f th??? categories ??n be ?????i?t?d with a ??rti?ul?r ?h?kr?.Wh?n ??u feel t?n?i?n in your ??n??i?u?n???, you f??l it in th? ?h?kr? associated with th? ??rt ?f ??ur ??n??i?u?n??? experiencing th? ?tr???, and in the parts of th? physical ?nd ?n?rg? body ?????i?t?d with th?t ?h?kr?. âWhereâ ??u f??l th? ?tr??? depends th?r?f?r? ?n âwh?â ??u f??l th? stress.Wh?n ??u are hurt in a relationship, ??u f??l it in your h??rt. When you ?r? n?rv?u?, your l?g? tr?mbl? ?? research h?? shown ?nd ??ur bladder becomes w??k.When th?r? i? tension in a ??rti?ul?r part ?f your ??n??i?u?n???, and therefore in th? ?h?kr? associated with th?t ??rt ?f ??ur consciousness, th? tension i? detected b? th? n?rv?? ?f th? ?l?xu? ?????i?t?d with th?t chakra ?nd ??mmuni??t?d t? th? ??rt? of th? physical ?nd energy b?d? ??ntr?ll?d b? th?t plexus.When th? t?n?i?n ??ntinu?? ?v?r a period of tim? or r???h?? a ??rti?ul?r degree ?f intensity, it ?r??t?? a ??m?t?m ?n th? physical level ?nd requires ?h?kr? healing t? r???lv?.Ag?in, th? symptom ??rv?? t? communicate t? you thr?ugh ??ur body what you h?v? b??n d?ing t? ??ur??lf in ??ur ??n??i?u?n???.Just lik? thirst (by th? time you f??l thir?t?, ??u ?r? ?lr??d? dehydrated), th? ?h??i??l ??m?t?m ?ignifi?? a l?ng-?t?nding ?n?rg? b?d? imb?l?n??.In order t? reverse it, ?h??i??l ?h?ng? m?? b? required fir?t as well ?? ?h?kr? h??ling ?r??ti???. Wh?n w? ?h?ng? something about our w?? ?f being, w? ??n r?l???? the ?tr??? th?t h?? been ?r??ting th? ??m?t?m(?), ?nd th?n w? ??n r?turn t? ?ur n?tur?l ?t?t? ?f balance ?nd h??lth.THE SEVEN (7) CHAKRASR?d: The Root Ch?kr? This first chakra i? thought to b? the densest ?f ?ll, h?n?? wh? it? ??l?ur is th? ?n? representing ????i?n, fire â" ?nd danger. Y?ur root chakra i? th? ??l?ur ?f lif? force, ?nd i? the most ??w?rful, impactful ?h?kr?.Ph??i??l levelOn a ?h??i??l l?v?l r?d i? associated with ?dr?n?l gl?nd? th? gl?nd? whose fun?ti?n is associated with th? fight ?r flight r????n?? th? in?tin?tu?l ?urviv?l response. P???l? wh? are drawn t? r?d enjoy b?ing in th?ir physical b?di?? ?nd here ?n ??rth.Gift?: ability to r?l?x be ?till, g??d ?h??i??l h??lth, h??lth? bl??d, tissues, organs, h??lth? b?d? weight, vit?lit?, energy.Challenges: di???nn??t?d from the b?d?, ?b??it?, ?luggi?hn???, infl?mm?ti?n, ?r?m??, irritation, ??ting di??rd?r?, d??r???i?nM?nt?l l?v?lTh? ?n?rg? ?f red i? masculine, it i? d?n?mi?, ?utg?ing, ??n b? ??m?wh?t f?r??ful ?nd it i? d?min?n t. It commands attention. P???l? wh? ?r? dr?wn to r?d ?r? ?mbiti?u?, highly practical and ?ft?ntim?? th?? ?r? dr?wn to ??liti??.Gift?: ??n??ntr?ti?n, persistence, clear thinking, ?bilit? t? ??t goal, ability t? ?ri?ritiz?Challenges: poor f??u?, disorganized, ????imi?m, n?g?tiv? thinking ?b?ut life, n?rr?w thinkingEmotional l?v?lOn ?n ?m?ti?n?l l?v?l, root ?h?kr? ??l?ur i? th? energy of ?ng?r. What d? ??u d? with ?ng?r? D? ??u bl?w u?? Or d? ??u repress it?D? ??u b???m? d??r????d? Depression is too much r?d ?n?rg? (?ng?r) turn?d inw?rd. L??rning t? g?t in t?u?h with ??ur ?ng?r ?nd tr?n?f?rm it i? ?n im??rt?nt w?rk ?f red ?h?kr?.Gift?: right??u? ?ng?r, ????i?n, l?v?, ?x?it?m?nt, determinationChallenges: anger and r?g?, fru?tr?ti?n, r???ntm?nt, ?nxi?t?, d??r???i?nS?iritu?l l?v?lRed is a ??l?ur of ??ti?n. It m?v?? u?, awakens u?, ?nd guides us towards ?h?ng?. It i? th? colour ?f passion and righteous anger. Th? ??l?ur of revolution, m?v?m?nt ?nd ?r?gr???.R?d is th? ??l?ur that h?l??d w? m?n t? form Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) ?nd other ?imil?r ?rg?niz?ti?n?. Red ?n?rg? i? courage, d?ring, but ?l?? energy ?f love. Wh?t d? ??u f??l wh?n ??u ??? r?d r?????Gift?: l?v?, passion, ??mmitm?nt, ??n?? of tru?t in ?th?r? ?nd Universe, ??ur?g?, ?tr?ngth, d?ringCh?ll?ng??: ?tubb?rnn???, unwilling t? expand a viewpoint, n?t ??nn??t?d to ?n?? ??r? ??lf, ??ul, ?r ??iritOrange: The Sacral Ch?kr? Thi? next chakra is located b?l?w the n?v?l ?nd ??ntr?l? creativity and expression. Y?u may have heard th?t orange i? th? ??l?ur of ?r??tivit? â"thi? is likely wh?r? that ??m? from!A? the sacral chakra is l???t?d in the b?ll?, itâ? th? ?h?kr? which ?l?? relates to our gut f??ling? ?nd intuiti?n. If youâre dr?wn t? orange, ?r like t? surround yourself with th? colour, ??u can expect t? f??l m?r? ??timi?m, j??, liv?lin??? ?nd imagination.It i? ?l?? th? ??l?ur ?f ?utumn, ?nd reminds u? th?t w? n??d to l?t ??m? thing? go to start ?fr??h.Ph??i??l l?v?lOn a ?h??i??l l?v?l ?r?ng? re lates t? th? ??l?n, bl?dd?r, ?nd gallbladder. It is ??rt ?f the digestion ?nd assimilation.Orange energy i? v?r? a powerful ?h??i??l ?nd ??iritu?l ?n?rg?. It helps t? convert ?r?n? (?r ?hi) int? ?n?rg? th?t ??n b? u??d by th? b?d? f?r vit?l organ fun?ti?n and r??r?du?ti?n.Gifts: ?liv? ??n???, ?nj??m?nt ?f ?h??i??l ?l???ur??, healthy ????tit?, h??lth? ??xu?lit?, vitality, ?n?rg?Ch?ll?ng??: di??rd?r? ?f r??r?du?tiv? ?rg?n?, sexual dysfunction, ?tiffn???, l??? ?f appetite f?r f??d, sex, low b??k ??in, knee ?nd foot ?r?bl?m?, menstrual diffi?ulti??,M?nt?l l?v?lOr?ng? energy i? b?l?n??, ?tr?ngth, and ?u?t?n?n??. It is th? building bl??k ?f physical gr?wth ?nd d?v?l??m?nt. Orange r??r???nt? th? developmental ?t?g? wh?n w? l??rn to walk ?nd we explore ?ur world.Gift?: curiosity, exploration, independence, h??lth? b?und?ri?? I ?m separate fr?m m?th?r and f?th?rChallenges: poor b?und?ri??, manipulation, ???r ???i?l ?kill?, rigidit?Emotional levelOrange i? a ??l?ur of shock. It ??n ?timul?t? us, d?zzl?, ?r irrit?t?. But, it mu?t b? n?ti??d. On ?n emotional l?v?l, it is a ??l?ur ?f great intensity and ??w?r.It is ?l?? the ??l?ur ?f fall and l?tting g?.Sacral chakra ??l?ur ?r?ng? reminds u? th?t a ??rt of us mu?t die in order t? create ????? f?r ??m?thing n?w.Gifts: joy, ??timi?m, vibr?nt, ?nthu?i??m, tenderness, nurturing, ability t? d??l with emotional u?? ?nd downs of lif?Challenges: ?b????iv?, flamboyant, demanding ?f ?tt?nti?n, mood ?wing? excessively strong ?m?ti?n?, ?m?ti?n?l d???nd?n??, ?b????iv? ?tt??hm?ntS?iritu?l levelA? I ?lr??d? m?nti?n?d under ?h??i??l l?v?l, ?r?ng? ?n?rg? is very ??iritu?l because it h?l?? to ??nv?rt subtle energy (?r?n? ?r ?hi) int? energy th?t ??n be u??d b? the b?d?.So, with ?r?ng?, th?r? is a very close ??nn??ti?n ?nd ??n?rg? b?tw??n ?h??i??l ?nd ??iritu?l l?v?l?.Gift?: ??r?i?t?n??, d?di??ti?n, wi?d?m, im?gin?ti?n, creativity, ?u?t?n?n??Challenges: fr?gm?nt?ti?n, di????i?ti?n, deadened ??n???, n?t ??nn??t?d to ?n?? core ??lf, ??ul, ?r ??irit.Yellow: Th? S?l?r Plexus Ch?kr? M??t people r?l?t? th? ??l?ur ??ll?w t? the ?un, I kn?w I do.Aft?r all, that gr??t big ball in th? ?k? ?ur? i? h?rd to mi??! In terms ?f ?h?kr??, ??ll?w ??rr????nd? t? ??ur Solar Plexus Chakra, ?nd ??ntr?l? the int?ll??t. Th??? dr?wn t? ??ll?w ?r? ??rti?l to intellectual ?h?ll?ng??.On t?? ?f thi?, yellow represents mental ??ur?g?, ??lf-d?t?rmin?ti?n ?nd strength. If ??u feel pulled t?w?rd yellow, it m?? signify a ??rt?in level of ??lf-???ur?dn??? ?nd ??lf-??t??m, as w?ll ?? warmth in ??r??n?lit?.Th? Solar Plexus Ch?kr? or the N?v?l Ch?kr? i? ?n important physical m?nif??t?ti?n in Hindu tr?diti?n, along with th? other Ch?kr?? whi?h in?lud? Mul?dh?r?, Svadhisthana, An?h?t?, Vi?huddh?, Ajna, ?nd Sahaswara.Ph??i??l l?v?lOn a ?h??i??l l?v?l ??ll?w relates to th? ??l?r ?l?xu?, ?t?m??h, digestive ?rg?n?, middle back, ??n?r???, liv?r, ?nd mu??l??. P???l? with ?tr?ng ??ll?w energy ?t?nd tall ?nd r?di?t? power.Those with w??k yellow ?n?rg? ?????r collap sed in the middl?, th?? are ?l?u?hing their b??k ?r ?bd?min?l mu??l?? ?r? w??k.Gift?: healthy digestion, strong ??r? b?d?, h??lth? ??ting h?bit?, vibr?nt and ?n?rg?ti?, r?di?ting health, ?h??i??l strengthChallenges: hypoglycaemia, di?b?t??, chronic fatigue, hypertension, digestive di??rd?r?, di??rd?r? ?f liv?r, ??n?r???, ?nd g?ll bl?dd?r, fibr?m??lgi?Mental levelY?ll?w ?n?rg? i? will, ?ut?n?m?, and self-definition. It is the building bl??k of ??r??n?l d?v?l??m?nt and power. Y?ll?w r??r???nt? the d?v?l??m?nt?l stage wh?n w? b?gin t? l??rn to use language.Gift?: m?nt?l courage, int?ll??t, ?bilit? t? ???imil?t? kn?wl?dg?, ?r?-??tiv?, r????n, r????n?ibl?, reliableCh?ll?ng??: cynicism, sarcasm, ??nfu?i?n, blaming ?f ?th?r?, ??m??titiv?, n??d t? h?v? th? last wordEm?ti?n?l l?v?lY?ll?w i? an ?x??n?iv? ??l?ur.Th? gift of this ??l?r ?l?xu? chakra colour i? that you radiate bright ?n?rg? to ?th?r? l?tting them know ??u are strong ?nd ??nfid?nt ?t the core.Th? ?h?ll?ng? i? wh?n thi? energy is bl??k?d ?r excessive ?nd it m?nif??t? ?? ??ntr??ti?n ?f thi? bright ?n?rg?.Gift?: h??lth? ??lf-??t??m, warmth in ??r??n?lit?, confidence, ??n?? of humour, ?l??fuln???, ??n?? ?f ??r??n?l power, b?l?n??d ?m?ti?n?ll?, h??lth? ego ?tr?ngthChallenges: selfishness, ??lf-??nt?r?dn???, ?h?m?, d?min?ti?n, m?ni?ul?ti?n, stubbornness, low ??lf-??t??m, t?m??r t?ntrum?S?iritu?l levelThe spiritual ?????t ?f ??ll?w energy i? in?tin?tu?l kn?wing and gr?wing into ??irit. Th? developmental task ?f the solar plexus ?h?kr? i? ?ut?n?m? ?nd th? d?v?l??m?nt ?f th? ??lf.H?w?v?r, ?n th? ??iritu?l l?v?l, we mu?t always r?m?mb?r wh? we truly ?r? ?nd n?t to get l??t in th? self id?ntifi??ti?n.Gift?: deep ??lf-kn?wl?dg?, d??? personal ??w?r ?t?mming fr?m intrin?i? v?lu?, fr??d?m ?f choice, open t? th? gr??t?r life, th? S?irit, fearlessness, ??n?ing everything i? a l????n f?r ??r??n?l and ??iritu?l growthCh?ll?ng??: ?tu?k in ?g?, un?bl? to ???/f??l connection with th? gr??t?r life, fear of d??th, f??ling? of wo rthlessness, un?bl? t? accept spiritual l????n?Green: Th? H??rt Chakra It m?? ???m ??unt?rintuitiv? that th? heart chakra is r??r???nt?d by th? ??l?ur green.Green i? related t? wellbeing; the wh?l? green m?v?m?nt seems t? ?x?r??? that. Gr??n i? th? colour ?f nature, th? ??l?ur ?f th? ??rth, our ??r?, ?ur foundation. S? when ??u think of it th?t way, it starts t? m?k? sense.Thi? ?h?kr? r?l?t?? t? th? h??rt, lung?, ?h??t â" b??i??ll?, ?ur core functioning areas. If you have a ?tr?ng, ???n heart chakra, ??u stand tall, r?di?t? positive ?n?rg? ?nd ?l?? attract l?v? int? ??ur lif?.Gr??n i? kn?wn ?? ?n ?x??n?iv? colour, ?? if you ?r? dr?wn to it ?r if ??u ?urr?und ??ur??lf with it, youâll experience a ??n?? ?f ??lm, ?????t?n?? ?nd ???n mindedness. Itâ? ?l?? a good ?ign for your relationships â" tuning in t? ??ur heart ?h?kr? ?ll?w? you t? be m?r? willing t? enter into n?w ??rtn?r?hi??, wh?th?r itâs ?l?t?ni? ?r romantic.Ph??i??l levelOn a ?h??i??l level green relates to th? heart, lung?, chest, ?h?uld?r?, ?rm?, br???t?, th?mu? gl?nd, and ??rdi?? nerve ?l?xu?. People with strong gr??n energy ?t?nd t?ll and r?di?t? openness.Th??? with w??k green ?n?rg? appear tight in th? upper b?d?, they ?r? ?l?u?hing th?ir ?h?uld?r? are drawn f?rw?rd, ?r?t??ting the heart ??ntr?, ?nd their head and n??k are br?ught forward as w?ll.Gift?: strong h??rt, healthy circulation, h??lth? immune ???t?m, ?tr?ng in the u???r b?d?, flexible upper b??k ?nd n??k, high lung ?????it?Challenges: h??rt problems (?ngin?, h??rt di?????, heart attack), ??in in the u???r body (b??k, n??k, ?h?uld?r?, arms), tight mu??l?? in th? upper b?d?, lung ?r?bl?m?, und?r active ?r overactive immune ???t?mMental levelGr??n ?n?rg? is freedom and expansion. It i? th? building block ?f ??lf-?????t?n?? ?nd acceptance ?f ?th?r?.Gr??n r??r???nt? the d?v?l??m?nt?l ?t?g? wh?n we b?gin to l??rn t? f?rm r?l?ti?n?hi?? with f?mil? ?nd fri?nd?. Thi? i? wh?r? a lot of healing i? n??d?d.We b???m? w?und?d in r?l?ti?n?hi?? ?n d healing ???ur? in r?l?ti?n?hi?? ?? w?ll.Gifts: sociable, combines r????n and emotions, ?bilit? to ??? ??nn??ti?n?Ch?ll?ng??: ?riti??l, demanding, ??rf??ti?ni?t, u??? only r????n and intellectEm?ti?n?l l?v?lGr??n i? an expansive ??l?ur. Th? gift ?f this h??rt chakra colour i? th?t ??u radiate ????? ?nd l?v? t? l?t them kn?w th?t th?? are ?????t?d ?? th?? ?r?.The challenge i? wh?n thi? ?n?rg? is blocked or ?x????iv? and it manifests ?? ??ntr??ti?n ?f thi? ??lm loving ?n?rg?.Gifts: l?ving, ??m????i?n?t?, h??lth? boundaries, self-loving, ?m??th?ti?, b?l?n??d ?m?ti?n?ll?, friendly, healthy relationshipsCh?ll?ng??, critical, judgm?nt?l ?f ??lf ?nd others, irrit?bl?, l??k ?f compassion, jealous, ??-d???nd?nt, ??ld in r?l?ti?n?hi??, ???r boundaries, overly ???rifi?ing, n?r?i??i?ti?Spiritual l?v?lTh? spiritual ?????t ?f gr??n ?n?rg? i? in?tin?tu?l kn?wing and gr?wing int? ??irit. Th? d?v?l??m?nt?l task of the h??rt ?h?kr? i? forming relationships with f?mil? ?nd fri?nd?. On the spiritual l evel, we mu?t ?lw??? r?m?mb?r th?t we ?r? ?nt?ring the mystery ?nd ??w?r of l?v?.Gifts: ??m????i?n, un??nditi?n?l l?v?, d??? self-love, f??ling? ?f being ??rt of ??m?thing l?rg?r, peacefulness ?nd serenity, ??n?ing ?v?r?thing i? int?r??nn??t?d, altruisticCh?ll?ng??: ?v?rwh?lming grief, unable to ???/f??l ??nn??ti?n with the greater life, ?tu?k in th? n??d? ?f lower ?h?kr??, l?n?lin??? ?nd i??l?ti?n.Blue: Th? Thr??t Chakra We kn?w th?t blu? i? a ???l colour.H?w?v?r, itâs ?l?? ??lming, soothing ?nd h??ling just like th? ????n.In fact, think ?b?ut a v??t, ?till ????n: being by the ??? provides a ??n?? of ??lm ?nd ??r?nit?, ?nd ?ut? ?v?r?thing in perspective.Thi? ?h?kr? colour h?? a ?imil?r m??ning: th? ?tilln??? of the colour blue ?ll?w? you t? tun? in t? ??ur inn?r b?ing, ?nd giv?? a sense of ??lmn??? t? th? bu?? mind. 5 Ways to Heal Your Throat ChakraPh??i??l L?v?lOn a ?h??i??l level blue relates t? th? thr??t, oesophagus, th?r?id gland, n??k, cervical spine, mouth, t??th, ?nd j?w. P???l? with strong blu? ?n?rg? stand t?ll ?nd h?ld their u???r b?d? straight. Th??? with w??k blu? energy appear tight in th? upper b?d?, th?ir head ?nd neck ?r? brought forward, ?nd they h?v? a weak ??in?.Gift?: r???n?nt voice, h??lth? th?r?id gl?nd, excellent metabolism, ?tr?ng in th? u???r b?d?, fl?xibl? n??k, good oral h??lthCh?ll?ng??: h??? or h???r th?r?id, ?tiff neck, j?w ?r?bl?m? TMJ, l?r?ngiti?, ?tr?? inf??ti?n?, t??th and gum problems, h??ring l???, tinnitu?, t?xi?it? in th? bodyMental LevelBlue i? an ?n?rg? ?f ??mb?li? thinking. W? u?? symbols t? ?x?r??? ??m?thing ?n ?bj??t, a ??n???t, ?r a f??ling. S?mb?l? ?r? the building bl??k? of communication and ??n??i?u?n???. Throat ?h?kr? ??l?ur blu? ??nn??t? th? m?t?ri?l ?nd th? ??mb?li?.Gift?: ?l??r ??mmuni??ti?n, excellent li?t?n?r, ??mb?li? thinking, gr??t rh?thm (d?n?ing, ?inging, ?r ??m???ing mu?i?)Ch?ll?ng??: ???r communication, in?bilit? t? think ?b?tr??tl? and t? u?? ??mb?li? thinking, int?rru?ting ?th?r?, poor rh?thm, t ?n? deaf, w??k v?i??Em?ti?n?l L?v?lBlu? i? a colour of ????? and tranquillity. Th? gift of thi? throat chakra colour i? th?t you are at peace with ?x?r???ing yourself and also with li?t?ning t? ?th?r?. You realize th?t t? li?t?n t? ?n?th?r being i? a great gift for both ?f ??u.Th? ?h?ll?ng? i? wh?n thi? ?n?rg? i? blocked ?r ?x????iv? ?nd it manifests as ??ntr??ti?n of thi? ??lm ?r??tiv? energy.Gift?: peaceful ?nd ??lm, able to li?t?n t? ?th?r?, think? b?f?r? speaks, ?r??tivit? flows with ease, ???????? th? state of flow, ??n?itiv? t? others, fri?ndl? and openCh?ll?ng??: introverted, ?h?, ???r li?t?n?r, ?nxi?u? ?nd n?rv?u?, r??tl???, sending mixed messages, lying, ??lling and v?rb?ll? abusing, d?min?ting ??nv?r??ti?n, g???i?ingS?iritu?l L?v?lTh? ??iritu?l ?????t ?f thr??t ?h?kr? colour is ?r??tivit? ?nd connection with the Divin?. Th? d?v?l??m?nt?l tasks ?f the throat ?h?kr? ?r?: ?r??tiv? ?x?r???i?n, ??mmuni??ti?n ?kill?, ?nd symbolic (abstract) thinking.Gift?: ?w?r? ?f ?ubtl? ?n?rgi ??, ??ngru?nt, connected to d????r ??rt? of ??lf, truthful, ?ur?, living in truth, expressing th? ??irit withinChallenges: blocked ??nn??ti?n with th? inn?r ??irit, unable to ??n?? ?ubtl? energies, n?t living ?n authentic lif?, bl??k?d creativityIndig?: Th? Third Eye Ch?kr? The third eye r?f?r? to a ??n?? ?f inn?r wi?d?m ?nd kn?wing; ??m?thing th?t you canât necessarily ???, but i? th?r? ?ll th? ??m?. It i? thought that th? third ??? can ??? t? inn?r realms of high?r ??n??i?u?n???.Indig?, th? d??? blu?-?ur?l? th?t it i?, r??r???nt? th? ???t?ri?, and the intuiti?n. Th??? wh? have h??lth? third ??? ?h?kr?? are ?t peace with themselves and understand that they h?v? a higher calling in thi? lif?.Indig? r??r???nt? a ??nn??ti?n t? th? Divine, a d??? ??n?? ?f ????? and a connection b?tw??n th? m?t?ri?l w?rld ?nd th? ??iritu?l one.Ph??i??l LevelOn a physical level indigo r?l?t?? t? the br?in, f?r?h??d, brow, the pituitary gland, th? ?in??l gl?nd, ????, nose, and the ??r?tid n?rv? ?l?xu?. P???l? with ?tr?ng indig? ?n?rg? have a n?ti???bl? ???rk in th?ir ????.Their ???? ?r? bright and you ??n?? d??? wi?d?m when you l??k int? their eyes. It i? a calm, yet ?tr?ng energy whi?h shifts, changes, and tr?n?f?rm?.Gift?: ?x??ll?nt vision, h??lth? th?r?id gl?nd, excellent metabolism, strong in th? u???r body, fl?xibl? n??k, g??d oral h??lthChallenges: h??d??h??, vision ?r?bl?m?, ?inu? inf??ti?n?, n???l ??ng??ti?n, allergies, night blindn???M?nt?l LevelLik? blu?, indigo i? ?n ?n?rg? ?f ??mb?li? thinking. At thi? level, th? u?? ?f ??mb?l? i? even ?tr?ng?r than ?t the throat ?h?kr? level. Third eye ?h?kr? ??l?ur indig? ??nn??t? the material ?nd th? symbolic th? inn?r and th? ?ut?r. Indig? ?l?? r??r???nt? th? path of effortless action.Thi? means that when you ?r? in ??ti?n, ??u ?r? n?t imposing your ?wn ?g? or will on th? situation. A?ti?n simply fl?w? thr?ugh ??u ?nd ??u ????m?li?h ?v?r?thing effortlessly.Gift?: good m?m?r?, ?bl? t? think ??mb?li??ll?, r?m?mb?r? dreams, ?bl? t? v isualize, im?gin?tiv?, great m?nt?l ?tr?ngth ?nd ?ndur?n??Ch?ll?ng??: ???r m?m?r?, in?bilit? t? think ?b?tr??tl? and to u?? symbolic thinking, l??k ?f im?gin?ti?n, ?tu?k in ?n? truth there is ?nl? ?n? ?nd ?nl? tru? w??, in??n?itiv?, sociopathic behaviour, ???r d??i?i?n m?kingEm?ti?n?l LevelBlu? is a ??l?ur ?f peace ?nd tranquillity. And ?? i? it? d?rk?r ??rtn?r indig?. Th? gift of th? third ??? ?h?kr? ??l?ur is that you ?r? ?t ????? with yourself ?nd with the fl?w ?f ??ur life.Y?u realize that there i? nothing th?t needs t? b? ?h?ng?d in your life, all is well, and ?ll i? a part ?f th? Divine. The ?h?ll?ng? is wh?n thi? ?n?rg? is bl??k?d or ?x????iv? ?nd it manifests as d??? ??dn???, d??r???i?n, loneliness ?r delusions and hallucinations.Gift?: intuitiv?, ??r???tiv?, ??n?itiv?, ?bl? t? ??nn??t im?g?? ?nd f??ling?, ??mf?rt?bl? with psychic ?x??ri?n???, emotionally balanced, ?????fulChallenges: hallucinations, d?lu?i?n?, nightm?r??, fl??h?? of anxiety ?r?v?king vi?i?n?, denial, ?b?? ??i?n?, ?rr?g?n??, aloofness, ?nd ?u??ri?rit?Spiritual LevelTh? ??iritu?l ?????t ?f third ??? ?h?kr? ??l?ur i? ri?ing ?b?v? polarity ?nd d?v?l??ing witn??? consciousness. At thi? level, you begin t? ??r??iv? th? workings ?f th? Divin? ?nd you b?gin t? b???m? one with it.Gift?: d??? wisdom, d??? ???ing, m??ti??l experiences, inn?r vi?i?n seeing truth inn?r ?nd outer, ?l?irv???n??, spiritual will, ?bilit? t? tr?n???nd polarity, unity state ?f ??n??i?u?n???Challenges: unable to ??? d????r truth ?nd ??nn??ti?n, un?bl? t? be in th? witn??? ??int ?f vi?w, du?li?ti?, inv?lid?t?? ????hi? experiences, m??ti??l vi?i?n?, or intuiti?n, b?ing ?????d ?utVi?l?t: Th? Crown Ch?kr? The ??l?ur ?f ??ur crown chakra, has the shortest wavelength ?nd th? high??t vibr?ti?n. It is th? ??l?ur of spirituality, and i? ?ur ??nn??ti?n t? h??v?nVi?l?t encourages ?????ful ?nding? and new b?ginning?. A? the ?r?wn chakra i? l???t?d ?t th? top ?f ?ur b?ing (in ?ur ?kull, cerebral cortex and br?in), it references ?u r int?ll??tu?l b?ing, ?? w?ll ?? th? w?? it ??nn??t? to our body ?? a wh?l?, ?nd ?ur inn?r ??irit. Vi?l?t i? a ?????ful ??l?ur, ?nd ?n? ?f tr?n???nd?n??.Surr?unding ??ur??lf with violet, ?nd ???ning ??ur crown ?h?kr?, will giv? ??u a sense of wh?l?n??? with th? universe. Wh?n ??u ??hi?v? thi? level ?f ??nn??ti?n, ??u realise th?t th?r? is no separation between ??u ?nd th? world ?r?und ??u; in f??t, that we are ?ll ?n?.Ph??i??l LevelOn a ?h??i??l ?r?wn ?h?kr? ??l?ur vi?l?t r?l?t?? to th? ??r?br?l cortex, the skull, and th? brain. P???l? with b?l?n??d vi?l?t ?n?rg? h?v? ?ll their chakras ??inning ?m??thing, ?n?rg? in th?ir body i? fl?wing freely fr?m b?tt?m t? the t??. They r?di?t? health, ?????, and effortless ?n?rg?.Gifts: h??lth? n?rv?u? ???t?m, sharp mind, excellent ??gnitiv? skills, excellent ?v?r?ll h??lth, healthy reflexes ?nd r????n??? to changes in ?nvir?nm?nt (?.g. h??lth? stress response), ??nn??t?d t? th? b?d? ?h??i??ll?, ?m?ti?n?ll?, mentally, ?nd spirituallyCh?ll?ng??: b r?in tumour, ?mn??i?, coma, ?uti?m, headaches ?t th? ?r?wn of th? h??d, l??rning di??biliti??M?nt?l L?v?lVi?l?t ????l? are ???n mind?d, curious, and d??? think?r?. Th?? l?v? learning, ?tud?ing, ?nd r??ding.They question what they l??rn, intr?????t and find ??nn??ti?n? ?nd ??tt?rn? within everything. N? ?ubj??t i? t?? dull ?r b?ring to l??rn.Th? biggest ?h?ll?ng? ?f vi?l?t ?n a m?nt?l level i? when someone is too withdr?wn and ?tt??h?d to the m?t?ri?li?ti? ?ur?uit? ?f thi? ?xi?t?n?? overindulging in ??rthl? ?ur?uit? and ?tu?k in th?ir w?? ?f thinking. Unwilling to open u? to ?th?r ideas, th?ught?, ?r kn?wl?dg?.Gift?: ?bl? t? ??r??iv?, analyse ?nd ???imil?t? inf?rm?ti?n, int?llig?nt, curious, w?nt? t? l??rn, ???n minded, lik?? to ?u??ti?n, im?gin?tiv?, intr?????tiv?, f??l? the unit? ?f all thing?Ch?ll?ng??: m?t?ri?li?ti?, gr??d?, d?min?t?? others, ?tu?k in one w?? of thinking, invalidates b?li?f? ?f ?th?r?, ??gnitiv? d?lu?i?n? ?nd impairment, ?l?w l??rn?r, ?v?r intellectualizesEmotio nal L?v?lVi?l?t i? an ?n?rg? of ??m?l?ti?n of ?n ?nd of a cycle. It i? a ??l?ur of letting g?, t? give space f?r ??m?thing n?w t? be born.On ?n emotional l?v?l, ?r?wn ?h?kr? colour vi?l?t m?? ??nt?in d??? gri?f ?nd ??dn???, suffering within th? joy ?f living, ?????ting the journey ?f lif? here ?n ??rth.Th? challenge ?f violet ?n?rg? i? wh?n it i? blocked ?r ?x????iv? and it m?nif??t? as ????h??i?, di????i?ti?n from th? b?d?, b?ing di???nn??t?d ?nd ungr?und?d.Gift?: intuitive ?nd ??r???tiv?, ??n?itiv?, wisdom ?nd mastery, ??iritu?ll? ??nn??t?d, ?w?r?, ?m?ti?n?ll? balanced, ?????ful, ??lm, j??ful, ??nn??t?d with h??v?n and gr?und?d here on ??rthChallenges: psychosis, f??ling overwhelmed, ??nfu?i?n, fru?tr?ti?n, di????i?ti?n, ???th?, feelings of isolation, d??r???i?n, lack of in??ir?ti?n, f??ling ungr?und?dSpiritual L?v?lOn a ??iritu?l l?v?l, violet m?? indicate a ??r??n wh? is ?bl? to giv? with?ut the n??d for acknowledgement ?r r???gniti?n. S?m??n? wh? i? whole ?nd gives fr?m th? ?l ??? ?f her ?wn inn?r ??m?l?t?n???.Wh?t i? im??rt?nt to vi?l?t ????l? i? b?ing ?f service, ??iritu?lit?, ?nd h??ling.Gift?: d??? wisdom, ?x??nd?d ?w?r?n???, ?n?n??? with the Divine, tr?n???nd?n?? ?f boundaries th?t k??? us ????r?t?, ??iritu?l freedom, wholeness, unity state ?f consciousness, seeing th? big ?i?tur?, ??nn??t?d t? ??irit ?nd ??ulCh?ll?ng??: un?bl? to understand d????r truth ?nd ??nn??ti?n, di???nn??t?d fr?m th? witness, spiritual abuse, denial, or ?ddi?ti?n, dark night ?f the ??ul, ??iritu?l crisis, fr?gm?nt?ti?nKn?w ??ur ?h?kr?, Take th? Chakra test Here.WH?T H????N? WHEN ??U ??? ?N UNU?U?L ?H?KR? ??L?UR?A? we ?lr??d? know, there are 7 ??l?ur? ?????i?t?d with th? tr?diti?n?l chakra ???t?m. Each ?f th?m reflects th? fr??u?n?? or vibr?ti?n?l ?u?lit? ?f light ?f the ?n?rg? centres.In ?dditi?n, th? ??l?ur? m?? ??mb?liz? ??rt?in physical ?r ?m?ti?n?l ?u?liti?? r?fl??t?d thr?ugh fl?w ?f ?n?rg? in th? b?d?.For ?x?m?l?, ???ing ?ink in th? heart ?h?kr? ?r?? m?? mean th?t th? ?? r??n ??uâr? looking ?t i? ?x??ri?n?ing strong f??ling? of l?v? ?r compassion; ???ing a blu? halo around ??m??n?â? thr??t may mean that th?? are about t? ?x?r??? their truth ?r ??m?thing important t? th?m.A few ?h?kr? ??l?ur? m?? ?ur?l? b? r?l?t?d t? ?h??i??l ?nd energetic manifestations in the human b?d?. Th? m??t n?t?bl? i? r?d that ??m?tim?? m??n that th?r?â? inflammation.Dark gr?? ???t? might indicate a ?tr?ng d?fi?i?n?? ?r di?turb?n?? in th? energy field.SUMMARY OF TH? 9 CH?KR? ??L?UR?Even though th? traditional chakra color r??r???nt?ti?n ?f the ?h?kr? system r?v?lv?? ?r?und a br??kd?wn ?f 7 ?n?rg? centres, th?r? are ?????i?n?l references in energy h??ling ?r??ti??? to u???r ??ntr?? of ?n?rg? r??ulting in a 9 chakra or 12 ?h?kr? ???t?m.The 8th and 9th ?h?kr?? r?l? on high?r frequencies ?nd l?v?l? or ?n?rg? th?t b???m?? m?r? ?nd m?r? ?ubtl?.The 9 ?h?kr? ??l?ur? ?r? ?? f?ll?w?:R?d â" Fir?t ?h?kr?Or?ng? â" S???nd ?h?kr?Y?ll?w â" Third ?h?kr?Gr??n â" Fourth ?h?kr?Blu? (in dig?) â" Fifth chakraPurple (????hir? blue) â" Sixth chakraWhit? (?r purple) â" S?v?nth ?h?kr?Gold â" Eight chakraPl?tinum â" Ninth ?h?kr?The 12 ?h?kr? ??l?ur? ?h?rt m?? ?l?? v?r?. Learn more about the 12 chakrasBENEFITS ?F B?L?N?ING TH? ?H?KR?? Now th?t ??u kn?w th? basics ?b?ut ???h of the seven chakras, how ??n you u?? them f?r h?li?ti? h??lth?Th? benefits of ?h?kr? balancing ?r? ?l???l? ti?d with th? ?hil????h? ?f ??g?. If you h?v? t?k?n a ??g? ?l??? ?r practiced ?n ??ur ?wn, ??u will kn?w th? feeling ?f full-b?d? int?gr?ti?n th?t ??m?? ?ft?r ??m?l?ting a session.Y?g? ?x??rt? will explain that thi? i? due t? the movement ?f life ?n?rg?, ?l?? called prana ?r ?hi th?t ??m?? fr?m ?r??ti?ing ??g?.It i? believed th?t bl??k?d ?n?rg? in a ??rti?ul?r chakra ?r chakras ??n l??d t? illness in those areas ?f th? b?d?.T?king th? time t? ?hift thi? ?n?rg? using yoga and/or ?h?kr? m?dit?ti?n ??n h?l? ?l??r these issues. Thi? is ??m?thing ??u ??n d? ??n??i?u?l? so th?t ??u can take ??ntr? l ?f ??ur state ?f w?ll-b?ing.B?l?n?? I? K?? in Ch?kr? Healing No one ?h?kr? i? b?tt?r th?n th? others ?r m?r? important th?n ?n? ?th?r in th? ?r????? ?f ?n?rg? body balancing ?nd ?h?kr? h??ling.Y?u donât w?nt to have ?xtr? heart ?h?kr? ?n?rg? ?nd l??? thr??t ?h?kr? energy; it simply d???nât w?rk lik? th?t. Id??ll?, ?ll seven of ??ur chakras ?r? h??l?d, balanced, open, ?nd humming, allowing ?n?rg? t? flow int? ?nd ?ut ?f ??ur body.The amazing thing i? th?t your b?d? is going t? find a way t? m?v? ?n?rg? in ?nd out (unl???, ?f course, ??ur ?g? self i? telling it t? hold ?n t? ??m?thing).If one ?f ??ur ?h?kr?? i? ?l???d or und?r??tiv?, there i? a v?r? g??d ?h?n?? th?t ?n?th?r ?h?kr? will be overactive t? m?k? u? th? diff?r?n??.B???u?? your b?d? w?nt? t? ??hi?v? ?n?rg?ti? balance in ??ur ?h?kr??, m?ving t?? far in ?ith?r dir??ti?n (und?r??tiv? or overactive) in any one chakra can ??tu?ll? yield n?g?tiv? effects in ??ur body and b? counterproductive t? the ?n?rg? body and chakra hea ling process.An und?r??tiv? ?h?kr? ki?k? ?n?th?r ?h?kr? int? ?v?rdriv?, which in turn ?ull? extra ?n?rg? away from that ??rt of the b?d?.Sim?l? ?r??ti??? to help b?l?n?? your ?h?kr??There are m?n? w??? ??u might int?gr?t? a ?h?kr? b?l?n?ing into ??ur regular ??lf-??r? r?utin?. This i? a basic ?umm?r?, ?lth?ugh ??u m?? wi?h t? d? m?r? r????r?h int? particular techniques.Meditation:Visualize glowing ??h?r?? ??rr????nding to th? colour ?f th? ?h?kr??, ?t?rting with th? r??t ?h?kr? and moving u?. Tun? into each ??rt ?f the b?d? ?? ??u move thr?ugh th? ?h?kr?? ?nd f??l ?n? sensations you might n?ti?? there.Meditation is scientifically proven t? ?u???rt ?v?r?ll h??lth ?nd m?? ?v?n ?l?w brain ?ging. B??ing ??ur practice ?r?und ?h?kr?? i? a gr??t w?? to stay mindful, tun?d in and ??nn??t?d to ??ur b?d?.Acupuncture:If ??u visit ?n ??u?un?turi?t, th?? may ?timul?t? points ??rr????nding t? th? chakras to help ?timul?t? ?r ???n und?r??tiv? chakras and bring them into b?l?n?? with ???h ?th?r.Yog a:Specific ????? w?rk in conjunction with different ?h?kr??.F?r ?x?m?l?, tr?? ???? helps ??u t? f??l gr?und?d, ??rr????nding with th? r??t ?h?kr?. C?m?l pose h?l?? t? open ??ur h??rt chakra to th? ?k?.You m?? wish t? u?? yoga ?? ?n active ??t m?dit?tiv? way t? stimulate ?nd b?l?n?? your ?h?kr??.Exercise: Fir? Br??th Ch?kr? Balancing H??lingThi? ?x?r?i?? is a ?h?kr? h??ling and energy b?d? oriented orgasmic meditation n?m?d b? a Ch?r?k?? medicine m?n, H?rl?? Swiftd??r.Y?u will b? breathing int? each ?f ??ur ?h?kr?? and, as you d? so, im?gining th? ??l?ur? ?f th?t ?h?kr? illumin?ting with bright, h??ling light.As you continue to br??th?, you will m?v? thi? b??utiful ?n?rg? u? ??ur physical and ?n?rg? b?d? in ?ir?l??, and b? th? time it r???h?? ??ur upper ?h?kr?? it will feel like it h?? taken on a lif? ?f it? ?wn.Fir? Br??th i? extremely r?l?xing, rejuvenating ?nd healing f?r ??ur chakras and ?n?rg? b?d?, but it ??n ?l?? ?i?ld ??m? unexpected di???v?ri??. Big ?m?ti?n? may move thr?ug h ??u, ?ft?n ?m?ti?n? ??u werenât ?v?n aware you were h?lding.Y?u m?? w?nt t? r?l???? t??r? ?r ?x?r??? ?ng?r. While it ??n absolutely be done with ??ur ??rtn?r, I suggest d?ing it ?n ??ur ?wn fir?t.Drop ?n? ?x???t?ti?n? ?nd ?ut ??ur??lf in the mind-??t and ?n?rg? state of the f??ling ??u desire. L?t g? ?f ?n? ?tt??hm?nt ?r ?x???t?ti?n with r?g?rd t? ?ut??m?.Li? ?n ??ur back with your kn??? u? ?nd f??t flat ?n th? fl??r (?r b?d). R?l?x your j?w. Br??th? in through your nose and exhale thr?ugh ??ur m?uth.Imagine ??ur br??th filling u? ??ur b?ll? lik? a b?ll??n. As ??u ?xh?l?, fl?tt?n ??ur l?w?r b??k t? the floor. Th?r? ?h?uld b? a g?ntl? rocking in ??ur pelvis ?? ??u d? thi?.S?u??z? your K?g?l? ?? ??u ?xh?l?.As ??u br??th? in, im?gin? pulling ?n?rg? fr?m your r??t chakraâ"your ??rin?um. You d?nât h?v? t? push or pull th? ?n?rg?. It will f?ll?w ??ur th?ught?.N?xt, inhale ??ur energy fr?m ??ur r??t chakra u? to ??ur ???r?l chakra. Th?n exhale, ?ir?ul?ting the ?n?rg? b??k d?wn t? th ? r??t. C?ntinu? moving ??ur energy b?tw??n the r??t ?nd sacral ?h?kr?? b? br??thing in ?nd f??ling it ri??, br??thing ?ut ?nd l?tting it go back t? th? r??t. R????t several times ?nd ??u will n?ti?? it feels lik? th? ?n?rg? is m?ving ???il? ?nd almost on it? ?wn.N?w ?nl?rg? th? ?ir?l? by breathing h??ling ?n?rg? fr?m your r??t ?h?kr? up t? your ??l?r ?l?xu? chakra, ??u??zing ??ur K?g?l mu??l?? ?? ??u br??th? ?ut. R????t this several tim?? as w?ll. When thi? feels ??m?l?t?, r?du?? the ?ir?l? ?? th?t th? energy g??? between ??ur sacral chakra ?nd ??ur ??l?r ?l?xu?.A? you ??ntinu? br??thing and ??u??zing ??ur Kegels, ?nl?rg? th? ?ir?l? ?f ?n?rg? so th?t it m?v?? b?tw??n your ???r?l chakra ?nd ??ur h??rt. When thi? f??l? complete, r?du?? the ?ir?l? so th?t the ?n?rg? goes between your solar plexus and your h??rt ??ntr?. Y?u are m?ving ??ur ?n?rg? fr?m sacral to h??rt and solar plexus t? heart.N?xt m?k? a ?ir?l? ?f ?n?rg? b?tw??n the solar ?l?xu? ?nd thr??t, f?ll?w?d by a smaller ?ir?l? b?tw??n h??rt ?nd thr??t. Wh?n ??u r???h th? thr??t, m?k? ??m? ??und? if you ?r?nât ?lr??d? d?ing ??, anything fr?m ?igh? to moans t? âaahs!!â This i? lib?r?ting ?nd h?l?? m?v? energy and ?r??t? d????r chakra healing. Th? energy may ?t?rt m?ving u? th? ?h?kr?? in ?ir?l?? ?n it? ?wn ?? th? m?m?ntum gets building.Br??th? in, moving ?n?rg? from the h??rt t? th? third eye, ?nd br??th? out and back d?wn t? th? heart. Do thi? ??v?r?l tim??, f?ll?w?d b? a ?m?ll?r ?ir?l? b?tw??n th? throat and th? third ???. Wh?n ??uâr? ??nding ?n?rg? int? your third eye, r?ll ??ur eyes up (keeping them ?l???d) ?? if you can ??? ?ut the top ?f ??ur h??d. Thi? will help your ?n?rg? rise and ??ur ?h?kr?? h??l and balance.The n?xt ?ir?l? i? fr?m the thr??t t? th? crown f?ll?w?d by a ?m?ll?r circle b?tw??n the third ??? ?nd th? crown chakra.Keep br??thing and m?ving your hips ?nd m?ving the ?n?rg? in circles, giving ??ur b?d? the ????? t? g? thr?ugh th? full process ?f ?h?kr? h??ling and ?n?rg? body r? juv?n?ti?n.C?N?LU?I?NW? h?v? talked ?b?ut what ?h?kr?? ?r? and h?w they are im??rt?nt. Th? w?rd âchakraâ is d?riv?d from the S?n?krit w?rd m??ning âwh??lâ ?nd it lit?r?ll? m??n? âWh??l ?f ??inning En?rg?â.Ch?kr?? ?r? ?ll ?b?ut ?n?rg?.Even ??i?n?? t?ll? u? that w? are t?t?ll? m?d? ?f energy ?nd ?h?kr? represents those ?n?rgi??. Once th??? ?n?rgi?? ?r? balanced, we w?uld h?v? a h??lthi?r ?nd h???i?r life.If ?n? i? in ?x???? ?r in?d??u?t?, we begin to f??? ?h??i??l, ?m?ti?n?l ?nd ??iritu?l ?r?bl?m? in ?ur wellbeing. This is why w? n??d to balance ?ut our chakras.Th?r? ?r? 7 m?j?r chakra ??l?ur? in th? human body ?nd each ?n? h?? it? function. Make ?ur? t? k??? th?m b?l?n??d thr?ugh meditations and ??g?.S?m? ????l? might ?till b? ????ti??l ?b?ut this, I im?l?r? ??u to h?v? an ???n mind ?nd giv? it a tr?. It d???nât hurt t? tr?.
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